
Preamble to be read at Mahim Dargah in Mumbai

This is probably the first time in the history of the country that the Preamble will be read at a religious institution

Mahim dargah

Nation above religion – this is ideological shift the protests against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and the National Register of Citizens (NRC) have brought about in country.

People across religions, castes, communities have come together to stand against the unconstitutional act put forth by the ruling government and for the first time ever in the history of the country, the Preamble of India is set to be recited at a religious place – the Mahim Dargah in Mumbai.

The Mahim Dargah, handled by the Pir Makhdum Saheb Charitable Trust, to show solidarity with the nation and bring about communal harmony and peace, is set to commemorate the 607th Urs of Hazrat Makhdum Shah Baba on Saturday, February 1, 2020.

The Big Khidmat programme will commence 5 PM onwards with the hoisting of the National Flag and the singing of the National Anthem, followed by the Dargah flag hoisting.

The plaque of the Preamble of India will first be unveiled and then read to the citizens present by Mr. Muhammed Suhail Khandwani, Managing Trustee of the Mahim Dargah.

This decision taken by the Mahim Dargah speaks volumes about the efforts taken by all the communities in India to shun communal hatred in India that is peddled by the right-wing regime. Be it the women at Shaheen Bagh or the Naga Sadhus who are protesting against the contentious CAA, the people of India have come forth to show their unity and slash the narrative of the ‘tukde-tukde’ gang that has been popularised by the ruling party.

The Constitution and the Preamble of India are the founding bricks of the country. Their importance and relevance are being understood by the citizens now, more than ever before. To fight the bigotry and divisive politics, it is imperative that more organizations like the Mahim Dargah come forward to cement the front of unity that India represents.


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