Protest against submergence of 15,946 families by waters of Sardar Sarovar dam, health of protesting social activist Medha Patkar deteriorates

The deteriorating condition of Medha Patkar, who’s on an indefinite fast that entered the fift day today, is of great concern and citizens of Mumbai protested this and the plight of 15,946 families in Madhya Pradesh threatened by the submergence by the Sardar Sarovar Dam.

Demanding that the Right of Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation, and Resettlement Act, 2013 passed by the United Progressive Alliance be implemented, protesters criticised the indifference of the Modi government to the cause of farmers and oustee families.

In protest today, between 4-6 pm citizens of Mumbai gathered outside Dadar station (east)

On September 16 and 17, 2023, the backwaters of the Sardar Sarovar Dam submerged the homes, farms, and forest resources of 15,946 families in M.P This area was calculated as being above the submergence level of the Sardar Sarovar Dam, and therefore, these families were not to be rehabilitated.

However, when submergence did occur, devastating not only the lives and livelihood of the families, their farms, their forest resources, but destroying six villagers and 1200 cattle, the Narmada Bachao movement has been demanding rehabilitation and compensation for over a whole year have brought little or no response from the government so far.

 Social Activist and leader of the Narmada Bachao Andolan, M/s Medha Patkar has been on an indefinite hunger strike in Chikhalda Village in M.P., since June 15, 2024 and is joined by supporters who are on a day to day relay fast, to demand that the Government control the Back Water Level of the Dam to 122 meters, so that the Project Affected Families are not subjected to submergence once again this monsoon and this maximum level not be crossed  until the displaced families are rehabilitated with all that is due to them.



Citizens’ appeal to Narmada Control Authority (NCA): Rehabilitate and protect oustees



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