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Read The Supreme Court when it Says Seeking Votes on Basis of Religion a Corrupt Practice

On Monday, January 2, the Supreme Court of India, in a majority 4-3 verdict upheld Fundamental Principles:

Religion and politics

  • That India is a Secular State
  • That Elections in a Secular State must not Violate Principles of Secularism
  • That the Misuse of Religion for Political Ends –Violation of Section 123 of the Represenration of People's Act amounts to a Corrupt Practice under Indian Election Law
  • That the onus of preserving the Sanctity and Purity of the Election Process lies not just with the Candidate Contesting the Election, but His/Her Agent, the Manifesto on which He/She Contests, The Voter and the Party Manifesto

Sabrangindia will bring to its readers specialised views and analyses on the judgement in the coming days

Meanwhile the entire text of the judgement delivered yesterday may be read here

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