
Is the Real Reason why Narendra Modi’s Helicopter did not Land at Bahraich, the Absentee Crowd ?

Have a look at the BJP Uttar Pradesh’s Facebook Page:

Modi bahraich rally

From Sunday afternoon (December 11), the talk in and around Bahraich where prime minister Modi’s rally was scheduled, has been around what made the chopper turn around and prevent Modi from addressing the crowd.
Was it the inclement weather?
Or was it the thinning crowd?
A look at the BJP Uttar Pradesh Facebook Page shows a scant people’s presence at the rally scheduled to host Modi. Empty chairs, a lackluster response for the BJP’s star campaigner and vote gatherer has left many speculating. The Economic Times has recently reported on widespread speculation, among BJP leaders in the state, of the poor chances of the party in the coming state elections, given the disastrous decision of de-monetization.
Was this, the poor response from his party and the people, then, the real reason why Modi’s chopper did not land, not the weather but the absence of an enthusiastic cheering crowd?
The flamboyant pradhan mantri’s love for the good things in life has been a matter of wide speculation and political repartee including the now famous ‘Suit Boot ki Sarkar’ epithet. Therefore, when on Sunday, Modi’s voice boomed, crackling over the mobile phone connection to re-assure those present that his was a ‘government for and of the poor’, the fact the flowers from abroad had been used to decorate the stage and this had generated widespread outrage given economic hardships faced by people due to de-monetization, the irony was not lost on anyone!
Pictures from the BJP’s FB page on the Bahraich rally that could not happen:

Modi bahraich Rally

Modi bahraich Rally
And the final query, has ‘Notebandhi’caused the crowds to flee? And will this drastic, ill-thought out decision be the party’s political waterloo?

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