
Release Hany Babu from Taloja Jail to get proper eye treatment: CJP

CJP has started on online petition urging the CM, Maharashtra to direct the release of Prof Babu for proper medical treatment

Citizens for Justice and Peace (CJP) has launched an online petition to free Hany Babu, the 55-year-old Professor, who has been accused in the Bhima Koregaon case, has been in custody since July 2020 without trial.

Unfortunately, since May 3, he has developed an acute eye infection in Taloja Jail, with little or no vision in his left eye due to the swelling. It has also spread to his cheek, ear and forehead, and he fears that it will soon impact his brain. In agonising pain, he has also not been able to nurse his eye because of water shortage and with very little access to clean water, he is being forced to dress his eye with soiled towels.

Only after incessant calls and emails from his family members and lawyer, the jail authorities managed to take him to a Government Hospital in Vashi on May 7. But due to an alleged unavailability of an escort officer, he has not been taken to the government facility for a follow up treatment.

The email sent by his lawyer to the Jail Superintendent emphasises the gravity of the situation and that even a day’s delay may lead to an irreversible deterioration leading to partial or complete loss of sight, as well as a life-threatening complication if it affects the brain.  However, in a shocking display of State apathy, he has not been able to visit an ophthalmologist after May 7.

We have humbly urged and requested the Chief Minister and Home Minister, Maharashtra to immediately direct Professor Babu’s release in order for him to avail necessary eye treatment that he is entitled to.

Join CJP’s voice in demanding his release. Sign our petition here:


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