India World

Remove Tejasvi Surya from upcoming conference: European Collectives

Arguing that Surya’s comments and opinions go against Europe’s secular spirit, various Collectives ask the Indian Consulate to remove the MP from its speaker list.

Tejasvi Surya

Indians in Europe and various other collectives are calling for the removal of BJP MP Tejasvi Surya from the speaker list of an upcoming start-up conference hosted by the Indian Consulate in Hamburg, said a HuffPost report on October 5, 2020.

Addressing a letter to the Consulate, they said that Surya has a divisive agenda against non-Hindu communities which is against the European ethos of equality, diversity and inclusivity. Moreover, it also goes against the European responsibility under international laws such as the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights among others.

The collectives included the India Solidarity Germany, The Humanism Project, the Solidarity Belgium, Indians Against CAA, NRC & NPR –Finland, the Bharath Democracy Watch, the Indian Alliance Paris and Foundation The London Story. Their letter detailed Surya’s several communal tweets, comments and remarks he made during the anti-CAA protests. Surya is infamous for openly saying that anyone against Modi is anti-national. The signatories thought it “shameful” for a parliamentarian to say such things.

Moreover, Surya also addressed a pro-CAA rally at Bengaluru’s Town Hall where he said only “uneducated, illiterate, and puncture-wallahs” opposed the CAA. The Collectives asserted that such divisive people cannot be allowed to find a safe haven in Europe.

They appealed to the European diaspora to raise objections with the Indian Consulate and ask them to invite speakers with diverse backgrounds and experiences.

The newly-appointed BJP Yuva Morcha Chief made headlines recently for refusing to apologise for his “Bengaluru terror epicentre” comment. In that same statement, he had requested Union Home Minister Amit Shah to set up a permanent division of the National Investigation Agency (NIA) in Bengaluru.



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