Communalism Hate Speech

Surat: Kajal Hindustani again indulges in hate speech, despite 3 FIRs

Kajal has three FIRs against her, two in Maharashtra and one in Gir Somnath, Gujarat. She was even arrested in Gujarat and then granted bail soon after in April

Kajal Singhala aka Kajal Hindustani has once again delivered a hate speech and this time in Surat. Despite three FIRs against her, the woman remains undeterred and has continued with her agenda of spreading hatred against the Muslim community, making false and baseless claims about them and their culture and calling for their social and economic boycott. In this speech given to a bunch of women, she thwarted the idea of brotherhood between the two communities by underlining the differences in both Hindu and Muslim cultures, whilst making derogatory and false claims about Muslims, thus demonizing them.

She invokes hatred by questioning the courage of Hindus and incites them to take up weapons, just like Hindu gods did and saying things like do Hindus have the courage to pelt stones, strap bombs, sit for 6 months and do chakka jam like Shaheen Bagh women.

The speech was made at an event organised by Bharat Raksha Manch” and the video surfaced on June 13.

Here are some extracts of her vile speech:

“No matter who is in power, the system is run by these ‘jihadis’”

“The problem is in law and order in areas where the jihadi population is high”.

“He (A Muslim) doesn’t care about unity. His agenda is gazwa-e-hind. His agenda is to make India an Islamic nation and he’s working hard to fulfill this agenda.”

“You wanted to write history but you are afraid of death. The battlefield asks for sacrifice but you have headed home. This non-violence is an illusion, it’s a trap by the enemies. Listen to me, This is the time for Hindus. If non-violence was holy, Sri krishna would not narrate Gita and why would he propagate war for peace. You are a cowardly species, you are hesitant to go to war. The battlefield asks for sacrifice but you have headed home.” (this was a poem she recited in Hindi)

She tried to incite the audience to take up weapons for their own protection. “There should be a big movement so that these jihadis get so scared that they do not dare to abduct any Hindu girl.”

“When these snakes shed their skin, they will come out as jihadis only”

She said, “stop with this brotherhood, as their intention is to only cause riots. How can a cow protector and a cow killer become brothers?”

She then drew parallels between Hindu and Muslim cultures and made baseless and derogatory claims about Muslims and their way of life.

She then made claims that she has a record of 12 deaths of Hindus in the past 5 months but nobody, not even the government talks about it because there is no value of Hindu lives and Hindus do not demand their rights. While they (muslims) pelt stones, strap suicide bombs.

She said, these “puncture walas” (derogatory term used for Muslims) are the only ones saying that there is no development, inflation is on the rise, Unemployment is rising, petrol prices are rising, cylinder prices are increasing.

“Don’t even let him 500 metres or even 1 km near your house or he will enter your society to sell vegetables, fruits and he will destroy you. Their conspiracy is to destroy Hindu families by doing love jihad, land jihad, conversions…Hindus are paying taxes on their temple but he’s not paying any tax.

Kajal is incessant with her diatribe and 3 FIRs and one arrest in the recent past has no effect on her. FIRs have been registered against her in Navi Mumbai, Mira Road and Una (Gir Somnath).



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