Beyond UAPA: Examining other central and state laws granting vast powers to Govt

Apart from the Unlawful Activities (prevention) Act (UAPA), there are other Central as well as State level legislations that deal with offences related to “security of the nation” and other related matters, and within this matrix accord unbridled powers to the government and its agencies.

Repeal of AFSPA will strengthen spirit of Constitutional democracy: WGHR

Global Human Rights body issues statement in solidarity with Nagaland shooting victims

AFSPA: A colonial remnant of a law in a 75-year-old democracy

In the words of Justice BP Reddy, AFSPA is a sketchy and bald Act, and needs to be repealed. These words from his report of 2005 need to be resounded for the Parliament to pay heed, to understand that a colonial era law is being used to blatantly take away innocent lives and destroy unsuspecting families

Nagaland gov’t to hold special session on AFSPA

Day-long discussion to take place on December 20; demand had been raised by various groups such as students’ unions, human rights organisations and tribal bodies have been pushing for repeal of the Act

MHA declares entire Nagaland ‘disturbed area’

AFSPA continues to apply in the region for six more months

AFSPA scaled back in Arunachal Pradesh

The Act, which gives sweeping powers to security forces,...

‘AFSPA is no cure for militancy, it aggravated the disease’

The Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act — the AFSPA...

The most disputed Corner of the World: the deepening Crisis in Kashmir

As India and Pakistan blame one another for the...

AFSPA se Azaadi: Irom Sharmila at JNU

The Democratic Students Federation (DSF) organised a traditional meet...
