Tag: China

From Mao to present

China's disappointing ways  

Mass protests protect Hong Kong’s legal autonomy from China – for now

Protesters in Hong Kong have achieved a major victory...

Iran: how US sanctions are strengthening China’s global power

As the US begins to enforce what are possibly...

China the biggest polluter of world’s oceans

China is the top source of plastic bottles, bags...

America’s Hypocrisy on Free Trade Is Dangerous

If we look honestly at our own history, we...

Why are women accused of witchcraft? Study in rural China gives clue

From medieval witch hunts in Europe to contemporary “witch...

Delhi should follow Beijing’s example in tackling air pollution

Delhi’s air pollution crisis made international headlines in early...

The geo-politics of the Rohingya crisis

Only China comes out as a winner in this...

Alauddin Khilji- the Saviour of Hinduism?

If Alauddin Khilji had failed to stop the Mongol...

View from Bangladesh: “We are all Rohingya now”

No state would tolerate attacks on its security personnel....

China’s marriage rate is plummeting – and it’s because of gender inequality

One of the greatest fears of Chinese parents is...
