Tag: Constitution of India

Striving to Promote Democracy: Values of the Constitution

The V Dem observations about India as reported in The Hindu points out “Noting that almost all components of democracy were getting worse in more countries than they were...

Let Us Strengthen the Idea of India and Defend Our Secular Constitution

I wish you all purposeful days ahead. 2020 is...

India is not quite yet a Hindu Rashtra: 70th Constitution Day

In January 2018, four top Supreme Court Judges in...

“Have we really done away with our Constitution?”

Exactly, seventy years ago on November 26, 1949, the...

On Republic Day: Is the Government Upholding or Overturning the Constitution of India?

On 26 January, 1950, the constitution of India came...

Can the citizens of this country rise to defend the constitution?

On ‘Constitution Day’, we all need to pledge that...

Does the BJP intend to change the Indian Constitution?

BJP, which believes in Hindu nationalism, faces a dilemma...

Hatred & Intolerance are Your Parentage, Devanoora Mahadave tells Anant Kumar Hegde

An Open Letter to Anant Kumar Hegde Sahi: 'Sahanadharma' ('Religion...

Normalising the Abnormal Is the Strategy of BJP

Anant Kumar Hegde addressed the gathering in an event...
