Tag: Cow Vigilantism

Repeat offender among suspects in lynching of Muslim man in Gujarat

On May 23, a Muslim man named Misri Khan Baloch was attacked and killed by a group of men in Diyodar, Gujarat.

Another cow lynching in Nashik, one dead

The police have arrested 10 persons in this matter and the meat found in the car has been sent for forensics testing. They were beaten on suspicion of carrying beef.

Cow vigilantism casts its ugly shadow on Maharashtra

Once confined to the northern parts of the country, incidents of cow vigilantism have now found a disturbing presence in Maharashtra as well.

The poster boy of cow vigilantism, Monu Manesar, is back

A suspect in the double murder of Junaid and Nasir from Rajasthan in February this year, his name was dropped from the list of suspects, now he is back to acts of cow vigilantism

Cow vigilantism continues with impunity in northern states of India

Every month incidents of cow vigilantism are reported from the northern parts of the country, guilty rarely punished

Court orders 12 UP cops to be booked for murder of farmer: Cow Vigilantism

The order of the chief judicial magistrate directing registering of a case followed directions by the Allahabad High Court for early decision in the case

In a first, MP government to introduce law against cow vigilantism

In a much needed step towards curbing cow vigilantism,...

NSA for Cow Slaughter: Majority Appeasement by MP’s “New Lotus”?

India’s bovine fixation reached absurd levels with National Security...

NewsChakra With Abhisar Sharma: Who’s Fooling You in the Name of Cow and Rama?

Abhisar Sharma explores and investigates who is actually fermenting...

Sacred Cows, Disposable Humans

The Bulandshahr mob killings show that the Hindutva Supremacist...

Who will Gau Mata bless in the Rajasthan Elections?

As Rajasthan goes to polls, one wonders if the...
