Tag: Declared Foreigner

CJP Victory: Indian woman regains citizenship, rejoices with CJP

Declared a suspected foreigner the minute she went to exercise her freedom to vote, Anjuma struggled for years to regain her citizenship. Now finally, after years of struggle, CJP helps Anjuma regain her lost citizenship.

Gauhati HC sets aside ex parte order declaring woman as a foreigner after her death

The court granted relief to her son, whose citizenship was being suspected due to this faulty order that was passed after his  mother’s demise; the court deemed it unsustainable

Assam: A 78 year old widow rendered stateless is declared Indian in Bongaigaon with the help of CJP

CJP Impact: A 78 year old widow rendered stateless is declared Indian, Bongaigaon, Assam

Supreme Court comes to the aid of woman facing deportation in Assam

Putting a stay on the order of deportation, Supreme Court has directed the Assam government to file a reply explaining how Bhanu could be a foreigner if her parents, husband and siblings are Indians

Once declared citizen, a person cannot be declared foreigner by FT as per Res Judicata: Gauhati HC

Order comes as a relief to people who had been dragged to FTs multiple times

Cannot invoke sec 482 CrPC for accused who admitted being foreigner at trial stage: Gauhati HC

The accused produced birth certificate before the HC which he failed to submit at trial stage

“My Ganga, my son… is back!”

CJP reunites Gangadhar Pramanik, a West Bengal man dubbed “foreigner” and thrown into a detention centre in Assam, with his mother

West Bengal man dubbed “foreigner” in Assam!

CJP helps Mrinal Mandal get released on conditional bail from Detention Centre

Dead man declared foreigner, Gauhati HC sets aside order

The petition was filed by the son of the deceased person to get ex-parte order set aside, as the same was passed years after his father’s death

Gauhati HC restores Indian citizenship of a woman declared a foreigner in 2017

The woman was declared Indian in 2013, but a foreigner in 2017 for dissimilarities in information

104-year-old ‘declared foreigner’ dies asserting his Indianness in Assam

Chandrahar Das, a registered refugee from Bangladesh, was declared ‘foreigner’ as the Dementia and Parkinson’s Disease afflicted man, arrested at the age of 101, could not recall when he crossed into the country!
