Tag: Fact Finding Report
Parbhani police under scrutiny: Fact-finding report exposes allegations of brutality, illegality, and constitutional violations
A comprehensive fact-finding report exposing police brutality, caste-based discrimination, and administrative failures in Parbhani, Maharashtra following the desecration of a Constitution replica, highlighting systemic injustices against Dalit communities and the urgent need for accountability, transparency, and reform
CJP Team -
Over 300 attacks on Christians reported this year, over 2000 women, Adivasis and Dalits injured
Recent fact-finding reports elucidate how the Christian community has been targeted with surveillance, vandalism, attacks, and social boycott across the country
Adivasi youth allegedly killed by Jharkhand security forces: Fact-finding report
Local newspapers said Bramhadev Singh of Piri village died in counter firing by security forces, but an investigating group discovered villagers never even attempted to fire at officers
Prosecute CISF personnel for firing on unarmed villagers: MASUM to NHRC
Questioning the CISF’s claims of a mob attack, MASUM members asked why unarmed villagers were attacked during the incident.
Kaimur firing: Fact-finding report makes startling revelations!
Report co-published by AIUFWP, CJP and DSG showcases regime’s excesses against Adivasis demanding forest rights
Women’s Voice releases Fact-finding Report on Kashmir
A five member team of eminent activists, journalists and...
Investigation Report on Lynchings finds Serious Flaws in the Criminal Justice System
Recommendations include enactment of a law on hate crimes.'Not...
चर्मकारों पर हमले में पुलिस की मिलीभगत : फैक्ट फाइंडिंग टीम की रिपोर्ट
Sabrang -
तथ्य पड़ताल टीम ने कहा - पुलिस अधिकारी चाहते...
धर्मशास्त्रों में मरी हुई गाय के निपटान की क्या व्यवस्था है?
कुछ बेहद गंभीर सवाल –धर्मशास्त्रों में मरी हुई गाय...
Gujarat Police Complicit in Attack on Dalit Tanners: Fact Finding Report
Police Authorities could have halted attackers even before they...
Of Encounter Killings and Sexual Violence in Chhatisgarh: A Fact-finding
Sabrang -
Four brute killings, of three agricultural workers and a...