Tag: Fake Encounters

Extra-judicial killings in UP: A badge of honour or a matter of shame?

In March 2023, stark figures revealed by the state government proudly showcased that the police in Uttar Pradesh (UP) had carried out more than 10,000 encounters over the past 6 years, episodes in which 178 persons accused of crimes, were shot dead

When did the killing of men whose guilt had not been proved become a matter of national pride?

The SIMI jailbreak in Bhopal and the subsequent encounter...

अब देश के अंदर ही अंजाम दी जा रही है सर्जिकल स्ट्राइक

8 सिमी कार्यकर्ताओं को मारे जाने के तरीके पर...

Muslims undertrials “are killed and Hindu convicts get state funeral”

Monday’s gruesome encounter of eight Muslim undertrials in Shivraj...
