Tag: Gender equality

India’s flawed rape laws: a betrayal of equality

Gender neutral laws are the need of the hour

Why the world needs more women CEOs

Female CEOs of large firms are a rare breed....

Lohadda: A village which identifies itself with its daughters

Lohadda, a village situated on the Budhana road along...

Bangladesh tops South Asia in gender equality

Bangladesh ranked 72nd last year  File photo: Women entrepreneurs at...

How media sexism demeans women and fuels abuse by men like Weinstein

The sexual abuse scandal currently embroiling media mogul Harvey...

If Indian Women Eat With Their Families, It Can Change India

Morthala (Sirohi district): When the women of this southwestern...

What’s holding Arab women back from achieving equality?

No country in the world has achieved full gender...

Mama Cash: Funding Women’s Rights

Mama Cash is an international funder supporting groups, organisations, networks and...

Catchy music video? No, it’s actually a protest against the lack of equal rights for Saudi women

When music gets the message across louder than demonstrations. Saudi...
