Tag: Hijab
How a protest and intervention diffused a crisis: ‘Hijab’ in Mumbai college
On August 2, 2023 N.G Acharya & D.K Marathe...
Why Ilham’s rank and vision challenge the project of hate
CJP Team -
Scoring an impressive 597/600 marks and the second rank in Karnataka PUC exam, her bright smile and distinctive scarf (hijab) defy efforts to relegate identity to obscurantism
Saffronisation of education is okay, but hijabs are out?
During an event, the Vice-President of India Venkaiyah Naidu said there is nothing wrong with saffron but did not provide similar support during the hijab row
Hijab controversy now hits schools!
After barring college students from entry, Karnataka schools are asking children to remove hijab
Hijab controversy takes an ugly turn in Karnataka
An Udupi college disallows hijabs inside classrooms, hindering Muslim women from getting an education
World Hijab Day: Is Hijab Really A Question Of Choice?
The hijab has never been about choice. In fact, it is a religious commandment.
Umaiyah Khan not permitted to write NTA NET exam because of her Hijab
“It clearly says in Constitution that we are free...
Nursing school in Srinagar asks students to sign affidavit banning Abaya, covering face during work
Sabrang -
Srinagar: A nursing school in Srinagar district of Jammu...
An elderly woman in Iran joins the protest against forced hijab
Two days ago we had published a story that...