Tag: Hindus

Are Hindus in Danger due to rising Muslim Population?

As the election season is in progress the divisive propaganda is also peaking. Chief propagandist of the ruling BJP is Prime Minister Modi himself. In these elections his narrative...

Christmas of the 2% is being imposed on the 98%, says Suresh Chavhanke

While the targets of the Editor-in-Chief of Sudarshan TV vile comments are generally the Muslim community, this time he spoke at length about why Hindus should not celebrate Christmas, which is not a Hindu festival.

Hindus worldwide denounce hate

A Hindu organisation and various individual groups identifying with the religion sign a joint letter denouncing the climate of anti-minority hatred n India

Blowing in the Wind

First published on January 16, 2016Image: Salim Shaikh   Jamalpur ke...

927 Sikhs and Hindus granted citizenship since 2018

In one of the questions on December 11 in Rajya Sabha came a question from Dr. Kirodi Lal Meena of BJP seeking data on citizenship given to refugees from particularly Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Tall claims of India’s ‘great civilisation’ are humbug

Past and present, India cannot lay claim to ‘greatness’...

In Tamil Nadu, Hindus observe ‘Allah Festival’ on eve of Muharram

Muharram is first month of the Islamic New Year....

Thanks From The Depths Of Waters

Deluge at Midnight When water receded from the flood hit...

Nailing the Lie: On Amnesty’s Report on ‘Hindu’ Rohingyas

Questioning Amnesty’s “new evidence” on ARSA’s brutal killing of...

Hindus, Muslims and the lies of Mohan Bhagwat

 RSS is one of the only organisation which claims...

Alauddin Khilji- the Saviour of Hinduism?

If Alauddin Khilji had failed to stop the Mongol...
