Tag: Interfaith couples

Love vs Law: Allahabad HC verdict offers hope, but inconsistencies persist

High court protects one couple, but conflicting rulings highlight ongoing struggle for interfaith couples.

Maharashtra interfaith committee to submit report by end April

State Minister, Mangal Prabhat Lodha also spoke on the ‘Bhaichara committees’ at police stations which need to meet frequently to quell communal tensions

Inter-faith love affair takes a tragic turn in Uttar Pradesh

Hindu Girl commits suicide after family beats Muslim boyfriend to death

Police cracking down on voluntary interfaith unions in Guj, UP

In Gujarat, the relationship between an interfaith couple was forcibly branded as a "love-jihad" case, and in UP a false case was filed against the husband

Disruptors threaten and abuse interfaith couples on Zoom press conference

At an event organised by Dhanak to celebrate love and choice, some disruptors cast slurs at Muslim men and issued rape/death threats
