Tag: Modi Government

From Pradhan Sevak to God’s emissary: Is Modi ‘following’ a Hitler legacy?

Democracy is a system of society won after long and intense struggles. The preceding society had mostly Kingdoms. A typical kingdom was an alliance between the Feudal lord-King and...

Modi government’s anti-farmer face exposed: Farmers’ leaders

A government conference on December 10 both dismayed and emboldened farmers’ leaders, wherein the Union Minister said the three farm laws were passed, fall under the Concurrent list.

Farmers reject government’s repackaged old amendment proposal

Denouncing the so-called “new” offer of the central government, farmers call for sit-ins at district level

The Economist slams Modi regime again!

Cites examples of Arnab Goswami and Stan Swamy to highlight disparities in justice delivery

Release Varavara Rao, 146 scholars tell Indian Govt

Well known academics from all over the world have written to the Modi Govt to release Poet Varavara Rao, a political prisoner since 2018 who is precariously ill

Continued and systematic vilification of minorities during lockdown: Report

Image Courtesy:theprint.inThe London Story, an organisation that investigates and...

Modi Government has lost the moral authority to rule the country

Working classes continue to suffer and self-reliance remains a distant dream

Criminal Callousness of Modi Government in Hiding Data

This is the first time data thrown up by an official statistical survey has been entirely suppressed, with all the funds spent on the consumer expenditure survey going down the drain.

PADS Condemns Modi Government’s Conspiracy Against People of Jammu and Kashmir

The parliament of India on 6th August put its...

Modi Govt Is Attempting to Sell Salem Steel Plant: Employees’ Union

The public sector undertaking Salem Steel Plant (SSP) was...
