Tag: Movie

Hate floods in the wake of ‘The Kashmir Files’

Right-wing makes the most of the movie’s impact and calls upon Indian Hindus to “open their eyes”

कंधमाल के खंडहरों की चीखें और एक फिल्म देखते हुए मेरा रोना

 कंधमाल मेरे लिए कोई नया विषय नहीं है। काउंटरकरेंट्स...

‘Voices From The Ruins Of Kandhamal’ And Why I Cried After Watching The Film

Kandhamal is not a new subject to me. Countercurrents.org...

Leopard: Fault-lines in Syria’s Revolutionary Endeavours on Film

Syrian filmmaker Nabil Maleh epitomizes the figure of the...
