Tag: National Population Register

Census-NPR postponed once again until Sept’22

Previously scheduled to be conducted in April 2020, delayed due to Covid-19 pandemic

HRD Minister answers questions on NPR, unsure about difference between NPR and census

Union HRD Minister, Prakash Javadekar was put to the task of answering questions at a press conference held by Press Information Bureau about NPR, which was, earlier today, approved by the Union Cabinet.

Rajasathan says ‘No’ to NPR

JAIPUR: After West Bengal took the lead, followed by...

CMS opposing NRC must stop NPR exercise in their states: CPIM

The Union Cabinet today decided to update the National...

PTI reports Rs. 8,500 cr approved for NPR, PIB retracts figure to Rs. 3,941.35 cr

NPR is a Register of usual residents of the country in order to create a comprehensive identity database of every usual resident in the country, containing biometric information.

WB to get reprieve from NPR?

Move comes on the day of Mamata Banerjee’s massive rally against citizenship law
