Tag: NRC Assam

CJP Victory: Indian woman regains citizenship, rejoices with CJP

Declared a suspected foreigner the minute she went to exercise her freedom to vote, Anjuma struggled for years to regain her citizenship. Now finally, after years of struggle, CJP helps Anjuma regain her lost citizenship.

Gopesh Das: A victim of institutional murder

As his wife rotted behind bars in a detention camp, Das died alone of a broken heart and crushed hopes of her release

Aug’19 NRC was supplementary list: NRC Co-ordinator 

The list that excluded 19 lakh people in Assam and was declared as the final list, is apparently not!

NRC exclusion causes Assam man to flee, wife contemplates suicide!

SabrangIndia's sister organisation CJP is now helping Zabbar Ali's the impoverished family defend his citizenship, so that they can all be reunited

Violation of SC directives: NRC final list vanishes from website

Though, the NRC state coordinator has brushed off the sudden disappearance of the data as a technical issue, insiders in the NRC office are of the opinion that this is a deliberate ploy by the present NRC authority

Just released from detention, Ali Akbor faces double jeopardy as Assam’s border police issues him a ‘foreigners notice’ again!

After four years in Goalpara detention camp he was released on temporary bail on November 29, only to face another ‘foreigners notice’ from the Bongaigaon border police, compelling him to appear before the dreaded Foreigners Tribunal on December 10, international human rights day

Demand for the appointment of a non-partisan State Co-Ordinator at NRC

Pratidin Sangbad reports that a delegation of the Assam...

Don’t spend tax-payers money on detention centres: Anti-NRC Forum

Joint Forum Against NRC asks questions from the Union and State Governments , announces a state-wide anti-NRC and anti-CAB Yatra to sensitise common man about the ground reality of the two

CJI Ranjan Gogoi’s take on the NRC: Assam

CJI raps the forces who oppose the NRC in...

NRC: No Further Re-Verification

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India...

Citizens for Assam: CJP leads delegation to Assam to highlight looming humanitarian crisis

On June 26, the National Register of Citizens (NRC)...
