pesticide deaths | SabrangIndia News Related to Human Rights Mon, 09 Oct 2023 12:11:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 pesticide deaths | SabrangIndia 32 32 India reports 7,000 plus pesticide poison cases each year: Top global meet told Mon, 09 Oct 2023 12:11:43 +0000 Advocacy network, Pesticide Action Network (PAN) India, in a note on fifth international chemical conference, held in Bonn last month, has said that the global meet has prepared a framework on chemicals for a safer planet in order to phase-out pesticides internationally by 2035. The Indian delegates at the meet regretted that while more than […]

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Advocacy network, Pesticide Action Network (PAN) India, in a note on fifth international chemical conference, held in Bonn last month, has said that the global meet has prepared a framework on chemicals for a safer planet in order to phase-out pesticides internationally by 2035. The Indian delegates at the meet regretted that while more than 120 out of the 330 pesticides registered for use in India qualify to be “highly hazardous”, even though more than half of them are banned in multiple countries.

Stating that these pesticides cause severe health effects on people and causes destruction of environment, the meet was told, “Contamination of food commodities and environment, and unintentional / occupational poisoning and death in farming communities, as noted in the recent past in India highlights poor pesticide regulation in India”.

It has been agreed to phase-out Highly Hazardous Pesticides (HHP) by 2035. This target is one of the 28 targets that have been agreed upon, as part of the Global Framework on Chemicals, established at the Fifth International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM5). The Conference was conducted from 25th to 30th September in Bonn, Germany as part of Strategic Approach to International Chemical Management (SAICM) process.

After hard negotiations, past 30 September,2023, the ICCM5 adopted the “Global Framework on Chemicals: For a planet free of harm from chemicals and waste”, which set forth the direction of global policy on chemicals and waste, including pesticides. Pesticide Action Network (PAN), represented by regional centers from Africa, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Europe, and North America, and India, proposed phasing out the world’s most dangerous pesticides out of agriculture and prohibition of exports of pesticides banned nationally.

On 25 September 2023, Pesticide Action Network India (PAN India) as part of nearly 400 civil society from 74 countries, urged leaders at the historic global conference to act with urgency to phase out Highly Hazardous Pesticides (HHPs).

HHPs are highly toxic pesticides responsible for a large number of these acute poisoning incidents. Each year, nearly 400 million farmers and farm workers are poisoned by pesticides, resulting in around 11,000 deaths – the majority of which occur in the Global South. In India, National Crime Records Bureau reports document more than 7,000 pesticide poisoning cases every year.

The petition letter to governments and other stakeholders of the Strategic Approach on International Chemicals Management (SAICM) was presented at the opening of the Fifth International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM5).The letter points out “Other international policy forums and frameworks, including multilateral agreements on climate change and biodiversity loss, have made significant targeted political commitments on major crises that pose existential threats to humanity and the planet. However, HHPs have remained largely unaddressed.”

The letter had also urged ICCM5:

  • To prohibit export of substances that are prohibited nationally, many of which will be HHPs.
  • To prepare a target for all countries to implement policies and programs to support safer and more sustainable non-chemical alternatives to HHPs, especially agro-ecology; and
  • To establish a Global Alliance on Highly Hazardous Pesticides working to phase-out HHPs.

At its conclusion, the ICCM5 adopted the following targets:

  • “By 2035, stakeholders have taken effective measures to phase out HHP’s in agriculture where the risks have not been managed and where safer and affordable alternatives are available; and to promote transition to and make available those alternatives.”
  • “By 2030, Governments work towards notifying or regulating or prohibiting the export of chemicals they have prohibited nationally, in line with their international obligations.”
  • “By 2030, Governments implement policies and programmes to increase support to safer and more sustainable agricultural practices, including agro-ecology, integrated pest management and the use of non-chemical alternatives, as appropriate.”

We welcome the commitments made by governments to support safer and more sustainable agricultural practices, including agro-ecology. However, more needs to be done urgently and immediately.

Sri C. Jayakumar, a long time participant in SAICM processes from India, founder of Pesticide Action Network India, joins the optimism of PAN International that the establishment of a Global Alliance on HHPs at ICCMS would have built momentum towards the phase-out of HHPs. The Global Alliance on HHPS proposed by the African Region and agreed in the meeting strongly supported by PAN is expected to become a driver of coordinated global action on HHPS. The journey for chemical safety started in the earth summit in 1992 by setting up of IFCS (intergovernmental forum for chemical safety) have one more milestone of progress.

C. Jayakumar

Dr. Narasimha Reddy Donthi, Adviser, Maharashtra Association of Pesticide Poisoned Persons and a public policy expert,comments,“it is indeed a land mark decision to establish a Global Framework on Chemicals at ICCM5, aimed to protect people and planet from harmful chemicals & waste. Even though some targets are too far, nevertheless the text has been agreed. Hopefully the targets would be revised with a shorter time frame in the days to come. Climate change negotiations under UNFCCC framework should integrate these commitments into NDCs and related monitoring process”.

PAN India supports the view that commitments made under the new framework are significant and believes that these commitment can catalyze action for global reforms on pesticide policy. India should prioritize the protection and well-being of farmers, children and rural residents in particular over the interests of profit, in order to achieve our vision of a planet free of harm from pesticides.

The Indian scenario

  • Sri Naresh Pal Gangwar, official from Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change, Government of India, reportedly stated in the ICCM5that India has already banned 72 HHPs to move to safe alternatives and stressed that India needs robust technology transfer to achieve the sound management of chemicals.
  • More than 120 out of the 330 pesticides registered for use in India, qualify to be highly hazardous as per the defined criteria set by Pesticide Action Network. The shocking fact is that, more than half of them are banned in multiple countries. These pesticides cause severe health effects on people and causes destruction of environment.
  • Contamination of food commodities and environment, and unintentional / occupational poisoning and death in farming communities, as noted in the recent past in India highlights poor pesticide regulation in India.
  • India needs to work on stringent regulatory measures towards its commitment to reduce burden from highly hazardous pesticides to its citizens and environment in dealing with nearly 36 % of the total registered pesticides in the country.

Courtesy: CounterView

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Why Toxic Pesticides That Killed 3 Farmers In 2 Months Are Still In Use In Maharashtra Sat, 20 Oct 2018 06:38:49 +0000 http://localhost/sabrangv4/2018/10/20/why-toxic-pesticides-killed-3-farmers-2-months-are-still-use-maharashtra/ Chandrapur and Yavatmal (Maharashtra): Rekha Madavi, 45, did not know the name of the pesticide her husband, Rushi, 55, had been spraying on their cotton crop. All their pesticide containers had been seized by the police for examination. “It is the same ‘mono’ aushadh (insecticide/medicine) that all of us in the village spray on cotton,” […]

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Chandrapur and Yavatmal (Maharashtra): Rekha Madavi, 45, did not know the name of the pesticide her husband, Rushi, 55, had been spraying on their cotton crop. All their pesticide containers had been seized by the police for examination.


“It is the same ‘mono’ aushadh (insecticide/medicine) that all of us in the village spray on cotton,” said Srikrishna Gedam, Madavi’s neighbour in Chak Mankapur, an adivasi village in eastern Maharashtra’s Chandrapur district.

On August 26, 2018, Rushi Madavi had left home to spray pesticide on the family’s 5-acre cotton farm in Pendhari village, 2 km from his home. When he returned home around 3 pm, he complained of giddiness.

“He ate one roti but began vomiting soon after. He could not speak. We called an ambulance from the hospital in Sawali,” said Rekha. He was given a saline drip at the hospital, but when his condition deteriorated he was referred to the district general hospital in Gadchiroli, about 30 km away.

Rushi died that night in Gadchiroli. “Acute respiratory distress syndrome due to insecticidal poisoning, with hypotension and severe anaemia,” said the death certificate that his youngest son, Bhimrao, 25, showed us.

Rushi Madavi was allegedly spraying monocrotophos, classified by the World Health Organization as a ‘highly hazardous’ insecticide, on his 5-acre cotton farm, when he accidentally inhaled its toxic fumes. Rushi died on August 27, 2018. Photo courtesy: Rekha Madavi

Rushi was not the only victim of insecticide poisoning this year in eastern Maharashtra. In two months, between August 2018 and September 2018, it had killed two other farmers in Chandrapur and Akola districts: Kumdeo Gurnule, 35, of Akapur village in Sawali taluka on September 13, 2018, and Vijay Sardar, 32, of Dahigaon village, Akola, on August 12, 2018.

In 2017, 63 farmers and farm labourers died from the fatal effects of handling toxic pesticides in Maharashtra, most from eastern and northeastern parts; of them, at least 21 deaths were from Yavatmal district in the Vidarbha region.

Cotton, the second-most cultivated crop in Vidarbha after soyabean, accounts for 50% of total pesticide use in India. It grows on 1.6 million hectares of land across Vidarbha’s nine cotton-growing districts in the 2018 kharif (monsoon) cropping season.

Apart from the three deaths this year, accidental exposure to pesticides during spraying has landed 135 farmers from Yavatmal in hospitals since July 2018, according to district health office records. Our investigations showed that farmers in these parts routinely seek medical treatment–medicines, injections and saline drips–to deal with giddiness, vomiting and blurred vision caused by pesticide poisoning.

Our investigations showed that safety kits to be used while handling or spraying pesticides are not available in adequate numbers at krishi seva kendras (village-level stores that sell agricultural inputs). Instruction pamphlets distributed by the agriculture department do not reach all farmers. And pesticide containers are sold without measuring cups. Unregistered pesticides too are available for sale, according to local farmers. This is in violation of the Insecticides Act, 1968.  

Pesticides can cause immediate health effects in people who are preparing, mixing or using them, said the 2016 guidelines on highly hazardous pesticides published by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Pesticides enter the body through the skin (contact), the lungs (inhalation) and the mouth (ingestion), according to another 2016 scientific paper, ‘Farmers’ Exposure to Pesticides: Toxicity Types and Ways of Prevention’. Inhalation of pesticide fumes results in serious damage to the nose, throat, and lung tissues, the paper said. Symptoms include dizziness, breathlessness and vomiting.

Last year’s recommendations yet to be fully implemented
In the lane parallel to Rushi’s house, Srikrishna Gedam pointed to an array of insecticides he had been using this kharif season. Among these is a container with the brand name ‘Monostar’. It is a highly toxic insecticide called monocrotophos that consists of organophosphorus compounds.

Insecticides used by Srikrishna Gedam on his 7-acre cotton and 2-acre paddy farm in Chak Mankapur village, Sawali taluka of Chandrapur district. Two of the insecticides–monocrotophos and cypermethrin–are classified as hazardous by the World Health Organization, and one–Humica–is not registered by the government.

Organophosphate pesticides, which proved fatally toxic for Rushi Madavi, can lead to convulsions, coma and sometimes, death, according to the 2016 scientific paper cited earlier. But farmers insisted that its use is unavoidable, at least in the first cycle of pest control for cotton crop.

Monostar, a brand of monocrotophos insecticide, which Rushi Madavi was allegedly using. It is classified as highly hazardous by the World Health Organization and was banned by the Maharashtra government for two months in 2017. Yet, it is commonly used by cotton farmers in the region.

Gedam did not get the protective kit that is supposed to be worn while handling the insecticide. He also did not get the leaflet that carries cautionary instructions for users. “He covers the face with a scarf sometimes,” said Surekha, his wife.

Following the spate of deaths in 2017, the Maharashtra government had set up a Special Investigation Team (SIT) to probe their circumstances and recommend preventive measures. Two petitions–one in the Nagpur bench of the Bombay High Court and one in the Supreme Court–had also been filed by activists to demand a permanent ban on hazardous pesticides.

While the Supreme Court is hearing the petition filed in October 2017 to ban the use of pesticides banned or restricted in other countries, many recommendations made by the SIT are still on paper.

As many as 21 state-specific recommendations were listed in the SIT’s 56-page report concluded on November 27, 2017, to improve the monitoring and outreach mechanisms of the state agriculture department. These ranged from a ban on the sale of monocrotophos and creating a comprehensive information portal on pesticides to making safety kits available to all farmers and registration of all agricultural labourers and regular health checks for them.

At least 11 recommendations have yet to be implemented and the status of seven are unclear. Three of the recommendations–identifying pest hotspots in villages, training krishi seva kendra retailers and publicising biopesticides–have been accepted and implemented.

Why no permanent ban on toxic insecticides
The state government had, on November 1, 2017, banned three insecticides–monocrotophos, acephate, diafenthiuron–and two combination insecticides–fipronil + imidacloprid and profenofos + cypermethrin–for a period of two months in five districts.

Barring diafenthiuron, all the other insecticides and combinations are classified under class 1b (highly hazardous) and II (moderately hazardous) by the WHO. Based on their oral and dermal toxicity, pesticides are classified by the WHO into five categories: These range from class 1a (extremely hazardous) to Class U (unlikely to cause hazard).

In the current pesticide spraying time, however, there is no ban on any of these pesticides.

“A proposal to ban these five insecticides again is under consideration. A decision is yet to be taken,” said Vijay Chaudhari, deputy secretary, department of agriculture, Maharashtra. “But we will be able to ban it only for 60 days.” A state government may prohibit sale, distribution and use of any insecticide, for not exceeding 60 days if it is likely to involve risk to human beings or animals, as per Section 27 (1) of the Insecticides Act, 1968.

The powers to permanently ban or cancel registration of insecticides rests with the central government, state government officials maintained. Bijay Kumar, then additional chief secretary, department of agriculture, Maharashtra wrote, on March 27, 2018, to the secretary, central insecticides board and registration committee (CIBRC) at the union ministry of agriculture, to permanently ban these five pesticides. Six months on, there has been no response yet.

Not enough protective gear or instructions for farmers
“Agriculture department must make personal protective equipment available to all farmers and farm labourers through krishi seva kendras,” the SIT report had stated.

Section 39 of the Insecticides Rules, 1971 requires persons handling insecticides during application to wear a protective suit consisting of overalls, hat, goggles, boots and gloves. Section 40 also provides for respirators to be used by workers and Section 42 stipulates that pesticide manufacturers and distributors must arrange for worker training in safety precautions.

Ajay Potwar, who runs a krishi seva kendra, Shri Sai Traders, at the Sawali taluka headquarters, has not had any protective kits supplied to him for distribution among farmers. “We have been given four kits by the companies which we lend to farmers as and when they need it and (they) are asked to return it after use,” he said.

Like most stores, none of the pesticide containers at Potwar’s store had instruction leaflets or measurement caps attached to them. “We give these to the farmers separately,” he said. Every insecticide package should include a leaflet, as per Section 18 (1) of the Insecticides Rules, 1971. Providing measurement caps with pesticide containers was one of the SIT’s recommendations.

Pesticide containers at a krishi seva kendra (village-level store that sells agricultural inputs) in Sawali taluka, Chandrapur district. Measurement cap and leaflets are not attached to the containers. They are given to the farmers separately at the time of purchase. Insecticides Rules, 1971, mandate for a leaflet to be included with every insecticide package.

“It is important for safety kits too to be attached and sold along with pesticides,” said PR Madavi, Sawali taluka agriculture officer. “The problem is that they have to be separately bought by farmers and many do not end up buying.”

An insecticide container for sale in a krishi seva kendra in Umarkhed taluka, Yavatmal district. Leaflet and measurement cap are attached with every container. Retailers and farmers said that the enforcement of safety norms had improved after 21 pesticide poisoning deaths were reported in the district between August and October 2017.

Pesticide consumption and usage in Maharashtra was the highest–13,496 metric tonnes–in India in 2016-17, according to data maintained by the directorate of plant protection, quarantine and storage. The pesticide industry in India that manufactures different crop protection products–insecticides, fungicides, weedicides, herbicides, biopesticides and plant growth regulators–reported annual sales of over Rs 13,000 crore ($1.76 billion) in 2015.

Why is there laxity in using safety kits then? “Farmers complain that the protective kit with the head gear and the coat is too hot to be worn in the climate here,” said Madavi, citing one commonly heard reason.

In such conditions, the International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides framed by the Food and Agriculture Organization has advised prohibition of harmful pesticides.

Section 3.5 of the Code states that pesticides whose handling and application require the use of uncomfortable or inaccessible personal protective equipment should be avoided.

But, these guidelines remain on paper too.

Awareness is up in Yavatmal but farm labourers still unsafe
Some stores in Yavatmal were making an attempt to raise awareness about the need to adopt safety measures, we found. For instance, at the Sagar Krishi Kendra in Umarkhed taluka headquarters, a mannequin clad in protective gear was on display.

A mannequin clad in safety gear on display for awareness at a krishi seva kendra in Umarkhed taluka, Yavatmal district. The protective gear is mandated to be worn by farmers and farmer labourers at the time of spraying pesticides on the fields.

The taluka agriculture office here has held many training sessions for retailers to ensure that they spread awareness among farmers and urge them to buy protective kits, said store owner Rehanulla Khan.

Khan has sold 290 kits this season. Each kit is priced at Rs 195 and includes a cap, a face mask, overalls and gloves. Boots are not included in this deal though Section 39 of the Insecticides Rules mandates it.

The store caters to farmers from around 25 villages in the vicinity. “At least 50% of the farmers are abiding by these precautions now,” said Khan. He has also sold 1,800 pheromone traps (that trap male moths and keep them from multiplying) this season. These traps are advised as a safe substitute for heavy insecticide spraying.

A pheromone trap for sale at a krishi seva kendra in Umarkhed taluka, Yavatmal district. It attracts and traps pests–male moths–on cotton crop and is recommended by the agriculture department as a substitute to large-scale pesticide spraying. Each trap is priced at Rs 75.

After the 2017 tragedy in Yavatmal when 21 deaths were recorded in the three months leading to October, the district administration had moved to initiate safety measures. But it wasn’t enough, said local farmers.

At the gram panchayat office in Akoli in Yavatmal’s Umarkhed taluka, Baburao Waghmare, the deputy sarpanch, and other farmers showed us the three kits that the government had given them.

“Anybody who needs it can borrow from here, use and return. One of these has been borrowed by a farmer,” Waghmare said. The other two, however, were unused and items such as goggles and gloves have not even been unpacked yet.

A safety kit–apron, gloves, goggles and mask–provided by the agriculture department to the Akoli gram panchayat for use by farmers when needed. Two of the three kits were unused and yet to be unpacked. Boots and a hat are also mandated to be included in a safety kit.

“Yes, the government gave the gram panchayat kits for us to use. But, our spraying rounds were almost over by then,” said Dnyaneshwar Shire, 36, a farmer and farm labourer from Akoli said. Shire was admitted at the Nanded district hospital last year for 10 days because he showed symptoms of pesticide poisoning.

“Even now, if I spray for two days, I have to rest the next three days. I dread going to work on others’ farms now,” said Shire, who jointly owns three acres of land with his two brothers. In spraying season, he spends around Rs 400 every month on doctors’ fees and medicines, he said.

Delay in disbursement of compensation for pesticide poisoning
For Rohidas Jadhav, 38, a landless daily wage labourer from Amaanpur village in Umarkhed taluka, pesticide spraying is off the list of jobs he can take on.

On September 14, 2017, after seven days of continuous pesticide spraying, Jadhav had blacked out, his tongue swollen and unable to speak. “I was admitted to the intensive care unit of a private hospital in Pusad for two days and ended up spending up to Rs 30,000. I cannot afford to do this again,” Jadhav said. He did not get any compensation for his medical expenses.

Jadhav now only works on sugarcane farms and takes up other civil and electrical works. His two daughters, Mona and Lekha, have dropped out of school after Class 7 and now work as labourers on farms.

Rohidas Jadhav, 38, with his wife and daughters, Mona and Lekha, outside their home in Amaanpur village of Yavatmal district’s Umarkhed taluka. The family does not own any land and lives off daily wage labour. Jadhav was admitted to a private hospital last year after he accidentally inhaled pesticides while labouring on a farm. Jadhav’s family spent Rs 30,000 towards treatment and has received no government aid.

To mitigate these hardships, the Maharashtra government had, on July 19, 2018, come out with a compensation policy of Rs 4 lakh for the families of those who died due to pesticide poisoning. Those disabled by pesticide poisoning were to be granted Rs 50,000 to Rs 2 lakh and those hospitalised, Rs 1,000 to Rs 14,000.

But, there have been delays in disbursing these amounts too. Shalu–widow of Sainath Madavi who died on October 17, 2017–received Rs 2 lakh in August 2018, 10 months after her husband died. She is entitled to Rs 4 lakh as per the compensation policy. She has been struggling to repay loans, manage household expenses and care for her two school-going daughters with limited income from her 2-acre farm and daily wage labour.

“It is only after I got the compensation money that I could repay Rs 60,000 to a krishi seva kendra owner from whom we had taken a loan,” she said.

The compensation amounts are drawn from two separate funds and separate proposals have to be sent to the state authorities, explained Chandrapur collector Kunal Khemnar. “We have sent the proposal for an additional amount of Rs 2 lakh and will disburse it when we receive it,” he said.

Other important recommendations of the SIT were to distribute pamphlets in villages, hold fortnightly meetings on pest control measures and fill vacant posts in the agriculture department to reduce workload and strengthen outreach.

However, 28% posts in the state’s agriculture department are vacant, according to data collected from the department. Of the taluka-level posts of taluka agriculture officers and quality control inspectors, 40% are vacant.

Public awareness meetings were held once a month in every village, said BV Nandanwar, agriculture supervisor, Sawali taluka. “We have also distributed over 8,000 pamphlets on different aspects of pest control,” he added. There are more than 27,140 rural households in Sawali taluka.

Chak Mankapur shifted from paddy to cotton, and the problem worsened
Rushi’s village has seen another pesticide death in 2017. Sainath Madavi, 35, died on October 17, 2017, of insecticide poisoning. He had been spraying three insecticides–Hamla 550, Polar and Quick–as per the police report.

Gedam, 40, pointed to the insecticide containers and a plant growth regulator (solvent that boosts crop growth) stored in his farm. “I have started using all of these only in the past two to three years,” he said.

A paddy-cultivating village of around 60 adivasi families, Chak Mankapur was introduced to cotton farming only three years ago. It has now become popular among farmers because despite the heavy investment it demands, cotton brings in higher incomes. But cotton cultivation has also brought with it distinct farming practices. Of all the crops, cotton required the most pesticide treatment–four to eight rounds in a season–due to high risk of pest infestation, said farmers.

“It is most unfortunate that food producers of this region have now taken to cultivating commercial crops,” said Paromita Goswami, president of Shramik Elgar, a farmers’ and labourers’ union in Chandrapur. “What is needed is a more holistic intervention than incremental steps in response to one-off accidents.”

Gedam’s pesticide collection included ‘Humica’ which consists of humic acid–a substance containing humus among other contents. But the pesticide bottle bears no registration number and does not feature in the list of pesticides approved by the CIBRC. Gedam spends up to Rs 12,000 every season on the pesticides he uses on his 7-acre cotton farm and 2-acre paddy farm.

“In the cropping season, I take four to five injections (to treat symptoms of pesticide exposure). We don’t have any other effective alternative to these pesticides. All we can do is take timely medical treatment,” said Gedam.

(Kulkarni is a Mumbai-based freelance journalist.)


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Allowed to Breathe Poison in Vidarbha Sat, 21 Oct 2017 10:30:21 +0000 http://localhost/sabrangv4/2017/10/21/allowed-breathe-poison-vidarbha/ In our previous story concerning pesticide related deaths in Vidarbha, we illustrated how the deaths were preventable and occurred only due to the apathy and callousness of authorities that should have done a better job regulating the quality and sale of pesticides in the state. We also demonstrated how various authorities washed their hands off […]

The post Allowed to Breathe Poison in Vidarbha appeared first on SabrangIndia.

In our previous story concerning pesticide related deaths in Vidarbha, we illustrated how the deaths were preventable and occurred only due to the apathy and callousness of authorities that should have done a better job regulating the quality and sale of pesticides in the state. We also demonstrated how various authorities washed their hands off any responsibility and squarely blamed the farmers for their own deaths. In this story we will examine international standards and best practices to understand further the lacunae in our system. We looked into various provisions of the Insecticides Act, 1968 and how these were not being adhered to by small and big players. How dangerous pesticides like Monocrotophos that is sold under the brand name Monocil and that was directly responsible for the deaths of 18 farmers in Yavatmal, are easily available over the counter.


Acts and legal provisions

Though the Insecticides Act was enacted in 1968 to ensure a mechanism to regulate the import, manufacture, sale, transport, distribution and use of insecticides with a view to preventing risk to humans and animals, several lacunae in the Act made the unregulated flow of pesticides possible in the markets. Some of these loopholes include a lack of clarity on qualification for manufacturers, dealers, stockists and commercial pest control operators, larger representation of experts in the Central Pesticides Board and the Registration Committee, fixing tolerance limits of pesticides as a pre-condition of their registration. Also, since the Act was drafted about 5 decades ago, an elaborate description of pesticides to cover any substance of chemical or biological origin intended for preventing, destroying, repelling, mitigating or controlling any pest, including unwanted species of plants or animals, which may enable regulation of existing pesticides as well as new discoveries, is missing.

A new Pesticides Management Bill was tabled in the parliament in 2008. The said bill claims to cover all aspects of development, regulation and quality monitoring, production, management, packaging, labeling, distribution, handling, application, control, including post registration activities and disposal of all types of pesticides. The Bill proposes stringent punishments to check production and sale of misbranded, sub-standard and spurious pesticides, besides, and most importantly, providing for the disposal of expired, sub-standard and spurious pesticides in an environment friendly and safe manner.

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No One Killed Our Farmers Wed, 18 Oct 2017 14:12:10 +0000 http://localhost/sabrangv4/2017/10/18/no-one-killed-our-farmers/ The curious case of pesticide related farmer deaths in Eastern Maharashtra just got murkier. While 18 farmers have died and 800 others have been admitted to hospitals across Akola, Yavatmal, Buldhana, Amravati, Nagpur and Bhandara districts, it has now come to light that most of these deaths were preventable. Image: Amir Rizvi The farmers died […]

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The curious case of pesticide related farmer deaths in Eastern Maharashtra just got murkier. While 18 farmers have died and 800 others have been admitted to hospitals across Akola, Yavatmal, Buldhana, Amravati, Nagpur and Bhandara districts, it has now come to light that most of these deaths were preventable.

Pesticide Deaths
Image: Amir Rizvi

The farmers died from poisoning due to exposure to excessively toxic pesticides that should have never entered the local market. This suggests that regulating authorities were either incompetent or complicit in the entry and easy availability of unlicensed pesticides, many of which contain highly toxic chemicals.

The provisions mentioned in the Insecticides Act, 1968 clearly state that “All insecticides have to go through a Registration Process with the Central Insecticides Board & Registration Committee (CIB & RC) before they can be made available for use or sale.” So there are a few big questions that need to be asked. Who is manufacturing these dangerous pesticides? Why are the manufacturers not prevented from manufacturing unlicensed pesticides in the first place? How are unlicensed pesticides entering the market? What is being done to stop the distribution and sale of such pesticides? Who killed our Indian farmers?

MS Gholap, Director of Agriculture (Input and Quality Control), Yavatmal District washed his hands off any responsibility. “The crop is tall. So when the farmers spray the pesticides, some of it falls on them and they also end up inhaling some of it,” he said to CJP, offering a flimsy explanation for how the farmers came into contact with the toxins. Gholap didn’t stop there and even went on to blame the farmers for failing to wear protective gear like masks and gloves while spraying. “The pesticides are colour coded blue, green, yellow and red based on toxicity, with yellow and red denoting the highest levels of toxicity. The farmers should choose less toxic pesticides,” he said. He further alleged that farmers failed to train and educate their farm labourers about usage, correct method of spraying as well as protective measures.

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Reporting from Ground Zero, Yeovatmal: Pesticide Deaths in Kapas (Cotton)Cultivation Thu, 12 Oct 2017 04:20:53 +0000 http://localhost/sabrangv4/2017/10/12/reporting-ground-zero-yeovatmal-pesticide-deaths-kapas-cottoncultivation/   Photo of Father (Rajarao Vadkar  )of a farmer (Vijay Rajaram Vadkar) who is admitted patient of spray poisoning admitted  I am in Yavatmal for an assignment and thought of finding the facts about the farmer poisoning in this area. I went to Yavatmal Govt Hospital, Sri Vasantrao Naik hospital in Yavatmal.I met Dr. Elke, medicine department, […]

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Photo of Father (Rajarao Vadkar  )of a farmer (Vijay Rajaram Vadkar) who is admitted patient of spray poisoning admitted 

I am in Yavatmal for an assignment and thought of finding the facts about the farmer poisoning in this area. I went to Yavatmal Govt Hospital, Sri Vasantrao Naik hospital in Yavatmal.I met Dr. Elke, medicine department, he is in-charge of briefing about the hospital/patient data. 
The dean had asked me to meet him.
Our report from Yeovatmal:
Dr. Elke said till yesterday (Wednesday October 11,2017) 445 patients have been admitted for poisoning due to chemical spaying in the farm. The first patient of poisoning came in on July 6
and to date 445 persons are admitted in this hospital, all victims of pesticide poisoning.
Eleven have so far died out of the 445 seriously ill who had been admitted. The success rate of saving lives is 98%. ( Last year though lesser number of patients came and 6 died, the survival was 96%, this year there has been a marginal improvement in saving lives)

Dr Elke said that this year it has rained better than the last year. (it is drought affected area, the rainfall was less than the requirement but more than last year).The plants grow taller 5-7 feet if rainfall is adequate and this year due to rainfall plants grew tall. (mostly cotton Kapas plants, but same chemicals are also sprayed on Tuar daal and Soyabean too). The height of plants matter: when it is at the same or the higher level than the height of the person spraying it, the particles/fumes come back to the person, and they get soaked in the chemical, being affected and vulnerable totally. 

Poisonous Pesticide

The organic Phosphorus Compound in the chemical is what caused poisoning. Most commonly Monocil (popular pesticide brand name) is used, it contains Monocrotophos, exposure (inhalation) of monocrotophos causes poisoning. It affects many vital organs in the body, and the deaths are caused due to a respiratory muscle paralysis. 
Most of the farmers know how lethal this compound is, therefore, they hire poor labourers for spraying, the labourers take up this risky spraying job in seasons because they paid more than normal wages. Hence, most of the patients admitted in this hospital are the labourers, they are from the same or nearby villages. 
There are many more poisoning cases and patients are being treated in various government and private hospitals. Total numbers can be availed from the collector or the civil surgeon. 
Every year new brands of pesticides are entering the market, some farmers who had used similar pesticides previously never had this experience. There is no awareness or standard of toxicity in similar chemicals. 
This is happening all over Vidarbha region, Dr. Elke could give data only about Yavatmal hospital. He said there is a separate data of suicides by drinking poison with poison, that is very common in Vidarbha and they regularly get such cases. 
I also met a relative of two patients who are now out of danger. 
Rajarao Wadkar has his son Vijay Rajaram Vadkar and a relative Haribhau Manik Kundekar admitted in ward no 19 of the hospital. They were lucky to reach hospital in time (on 30th sept and 1st oct), they are from Bhari Village only 9 kilometre from Yavatmal. 
The Indian Express has reported on October 8 and 9 that on October 3, two and a half months after the first death, the government ordered a probe and announced a compensation of Rs 2 lakh to families of each of the deceased. This was after court proceedings, when on October 6, the Nagpur bench of the Bombay High Court issued notices on a PIL seeking criminal action against the officials concerned and pesticide firms. While no action has been taken against anyone so far, Minister of State for Agriculture Sadabhau Khot on Tuesday said, “Officials responsible will be made answerable.”
Cotton cultivation experts and researchers have said the cumulative effect of several factors, such as humidity, spraying of pesticide cocktails and use of a new kind of spraying machine, seem to be behind the deaths of cotton growers in Maharashtra. The number of deaths climbed to 32 on Sunday.
According to these reports, since July 19, 18 farmers have died in Yavatmal and 14 in surrounding districts in the cotton growing belt of the state. The two fresh deaths have been reported from Nagpur and Akola.

The post Reporting from Ground Zero, Yeovatmal: Pesticide Deaths in Kapas (Cotton)Cultivation appeared first on SabrangIndia.
