Tag: Poem

UP: Teacher booked for making students recite “madrassa type prayer”

In the video, students can be heard reciting Mohammad Iqbal’s iconic Urdu poem ‘Lab pe aati hai dua‘.

Poems of Our Times: Roque Dalton

Roque Dalton, was a Salvadoran poet, essayist, journalist, political...

A 45-day growth model

Only for three days live a woman's life from...

Warning: Dangerous Poet!

The Rightwing Plan to Drop Paash from TextbooksManash Firaq...

Poem on Demonetisation: What Colour, Money? Ballad of the Commoners

R. Umamaheshwari (Veena)   (Of real people, real narratives and real...

मुजफ्फनगर से लौटने के बाद… रुखसाना का घर..

1. सोचती हूँ मैं क्या तुम्हें कभी भूल पाउंगी रुखसाना तुम्हारी आँखों...

Blaphemy or sedition: Poems for our times

There is a Spot upon the Earth There is a...
