Tag: Police Complicity

ABVP Riots in Delhi University with Police Protection

For the second successive day, goons affiliated to the RSS-BJP backed right wing student mafia gang called ABVP (Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad) pelted stones and violently attacked peaceful assemblies...

Gujarat Police Complicit in Attack on Dalit Tanners: Fact Finding Report

Police Authorities could have halted attackers even before they...

Partisan police

That the Indian police have lost their credibility with...

Gender and community

The genocide in Gujarat, as well as the earlier...

India Modi-fied

Gujarat offers us clear glimpses of a Hindu fascist...

Tolerant tradition

The Hindu tradition of toleration is showing signs of...

Law and order: Who cares?

District magistrates and superintendents of police must be punished...

Protectors turn predators

If state authorities wantonly let violent mobs target innocents,...

Rights of ‘majorities’?

The Vajpayee-led government’s argument before the Supreme Court undermines...

Reforms now!

To curb communal violence the nexus between politicians, criminals...
