Polluting Our Oceans | SabrangIndia News Related to Human Rights Sat, 15 Sep 2018 06:36:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.2 https://sabrangindia.in/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Favicon_0.png Polluting Our Oceans | SabrangIndia 32 32 China the biggest polluter of world’s oceans https://sabrangindia.in/china-biggest-polluter-worlds-oceans/ Sat, 15 Sep 2018 06:36:51 +0000 http://localhost/sabrangv4/2018/09/15/china-biggest-polluter-worlds-oceans/ China is the top source of plastic bottles, bags and other rubbish clogging up global sea lanes   Bigstock Bangladesh has been listed among the top polluters of the world’s oceans. The country ranked 10th in polluting the oceans in 2010, said a report compiled by a team of researchers based in the United States […]

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China is the top source of plastic bottles, bags and other rubbish clogging up global sea lanes




Bangladesh has been listed among the top polluters of the world’s oceans. The country ranked 10th in polluting the oceans in 2010, said a report compiled by a team of researchers based in the United States and Australia, who analyzed plastic waste levels in the world’s seas.

The team of researchers was led by Jenna Jambeck, an environmental engineer at the University of Georgia.

Bangladesh dumped 0.79 million metric tons of plastic waste in to the oceans in 2010, the Statista Portal reports.

Meanwhile, China and Indonesia are the top sources of plastic bottles, bags and other rubbish clogging up global sea lanes. These two countries account for more than a third of plastic accumulation in global waters, according to the report published by sciencemag.org.

Infographic: The Countries Polluting The Oceans The Most   | Statista
Infographics by Statista

In 2010, China dumped 8.8 million metric tons of mismanaged plastic waste, with an estimated 3.53 million metric tons of it ended up in the ocean.

The same year, Indonesia dumped a total of 3.2 million metric tons of mismanaged plastic waste and it is estimated that 1.29 million metric tons became marine plastic debris.

These countries are followed by Philippines, Vietnam, Sri Lanka and Thailand, ranked by the amount of plastic waste they dump in the oceans.

India came out at 12th position with 0.60 million metric tons of plastic waste dumped in the oceans, while Pakistan is ranked at 15 position by dumping 0.48 million metric tons of plastic the same year.

The United States is also guilty of polluting oceans with plastic, but at a much lower level than China. Annually, 0.11 million metric tons of waterborne plastic garbage comes from the United States.

Courtesy: Dhaka Tribune

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Death by Bullets or Bullet Trains, Polluting Our Oceans With Chemicals https://sabrangindia.in/death-bullets-or-bullet-trains-polluting-our-oceans-chemicals/ Tue, 03 Oct 2017 07:27:01 +0000 http://localhost/sabrangv4/2017/10/03/death-bullets-or-bullet-trains-polluting-our-oceans-chemicals/ Death by polluting our oceans and waterways with chemicals, iron ore, coal dust and other by products of the black death (coal), ammonia gas from fertiliser factories, or radio active and other toxic effluents from nuclear power plants all along our precious coastline..Be it Koodankulam, Tarapore, or Kalpakkam. Here is just one small example of […]

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Death by polluting our oceans and waterways with chemicals, iron ore, coal dust and other by products of the black death (coal), ammonia gas from fertiliser factories, or radio active and other toxic effluents from nuclear power plants all along our precious coastline..Be it Koodankulam, Tarapore, or Kalpakkam.

Climate Change

Here is just one small example of the havoc wrought in just one small area of the konkan coast.

Our coasts rich in marine life, COCONUTS and all its by products, of paddy, and mangroves,

What kind of ignorant , venal, creatures have we put into power at every level …Where officials are dancing around politicians and politicians are busy pleasing their capitalist cronies and all busy making money at the cost of people, nature, and our vast resource base that they are systematically plundering and destroying.

We , you and I, are also accountability by our silence. We need to bear witness now, today, without delay. We need to call them out , and say Enough is Enough…

For a start we need to get to the bottom of what has killed these fish and caused so many sting Rays to come out so many miles to beach themselves. .

And last but not least, think about the impact on livelihoods of all our fishing communities ….Right around our amazing peninsula…..


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