Tag: RSS

Hindu festivals and sectarian nationalist politics

RSS Combine’s agenda of Hindu Rashtra has been built upon the narratives through multiple mechanisms. The festivals have been the occasion for promoting its agenda. Also highlighting some deities...

75 Years Down the Line, Whither Indian Constitution?

While the freedom movement saw India as a plural nation with rich diversities, those who stood aloof (RSS) from the struggle, saw the civilisation as a Hindu one.

Uphold integrity of civil services, re-impose ban on Govt officials associating with RSS: Open letter to President Draupadi Murmu

In an earnest appeal addressed to the President of India, concerned citizens and leaders from diverse sectors have called for the re-imposition of the ban preventing civil servants and government officials from formally affiliating with the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) or any other politically aligned organization. This open letter stresses the vital importance of preserving political neutrality within the civil service to maintain an administration that is fair, unbiased, and aligned with the democratic principles enshrined in the Constitution of India.

Restating the agenda of Hindu Rashtra: RSS chief sets the tone for BJP politics

On October 12, 2024, during the Vijayadashmi (Dussehra) celebrations,...

Caste Imbroglio: Changing Narrative of Hindu Right

One of the major issues during the last General...

Tricolour: Spirit of India-Essence from Past, Hope for Future

The BJPs ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’ move is merely meant for optics. It is bereft of any deeper commitment to the message inherent in the national flag, of sacrifice, peace and unity in diversity.

Has VP Jagdeep Dhankar, violated his constitutional oath?

In this open letter, professor Shamsul Islam exposes how, by glorifying the RSS in the Rajya Sabha, Jagdeep Dhankar, Vice President of India has violated his Constitutional Oath!

How Hindutva forces colluded with both the British & Jinnah against the historic ‘Quit India’ movement: Archives

Why and how Hindutva organisations like the RSS and the HMS need to desperately cover up their pro-British past including their role in repressing the historic Quit India Movement

Should Government Employees be allowed to Join RSS?

RSS is the biggest organization in the World. It...

Behind the BJP’s move to lift the 58-year-old ban on the participation of central government officials in RSS activities

The order allowing government officials' participation in RSS activities was released on July 9 by the Department of Personnel and Training, which falls directly under PM Modi, opposition leaders deem the same to be Modi government’s efforts to take control over constitutional bodies and work its way in through the backdoor, tampering with the Constitution


India will and should never forget that infamous night...
