Tag: SFI

WB: Lakhs of People Take Part in ‘Insaaf’ Rally Organised in Kolkata

Rally was called by SFI and DYFI activists for justice for Anis Khan and other activists

Massive win for United Left in JNU Students Union Elections

The alliance won all four office-bearer posts in the...

Its Education But Not for All Under Modi Sarkar

The job promises have been proved a Jumla.Interview with...

Crackdown on JNUSU Continues

Representatives barred from attending meetings.Continuing the crackdown on Jawaharlal...

Shut down JNU से Fight back JNU तक

Written by Pradeep Sharmaआज तीन प्रतिष्टित यूनिवर्सिटी , Delhi...

Hindutva Goons Torch Library, and the People of Kerala Hit Back – with Books!

The  Violent Attack on Thought and Discussion Through the...

Attack on JNUSU and Left Built on Lies

Courtesy: http://newsclick.in/india/attack-jnusu-and-left-built-liesIn an unprecedented move, today morning (February 12,...
