Tag: Times Now

Filmmaker Sudhanva Deshpande releases statement accusing Times Now of spreading malicious misinformation against him

A programme run by Times Now had called the lecture given by Deshpande at IIT-B as being Pro-Hamas and glorifying terrorists

Complaint filed with Times Now against ‘Ram Mandir’ show

During the debate, the speakers abused each other and even got into a scuffle, yet the debate continued

Times Now conducts a virtual media trial of Teesta Setalvad, CJP moves NBDSA

Times Now fails to respond to CJP’s complaint against the three prime-time debate shows aired on their channel

NBDSA deems Times Now’s show on Teesta Setalvad ‘devoid of objectivity’

The channel has been issued a warning and ordered to take down the video from its website, Youtube, and any other links

Recycle, reuse and issue non-apologies when caught: Fake news toolkit?

Leading Indian news channels have been called out for peddling fake news about Afghanistan for days now

Times Now files Rs. 100 crore defamation suit against Newslaundry!

Case filed before Bombay High Court; Bennett Coleman Company objects to two shows on the website, accusing them of being against Times Now editors

Republic TV and Times Now reportage prima facie contemptuous: Bombay High Court

In the SSR media trial case, the court issued directions to be followed by the media while reporting but refrained from taking coercive action against the channels

TV sting on imam: minority baiting or uncovering the truth?

A sting operation conducted by Times Now has revealed...

Times Now, same old tricks

On triple talaq, the channel imputed nefarious motives to...

Popular Front of India files criminal complaint against Times Now and MHA officials

New Delhi: Popular Front of India has filed a...
