Sanction to persecute Arundhati Roy under UAPA politically motivated: PUCL

Top human rights group, People’s Union for Civil Liberties, has demanded that the authorities should immediately withdraw the prosecution against top author Arundhati Roy and Dr Sheikh Showkat Hussain, a Kashmir academic, under the "unconstitutional" Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA), calling the Delhi Lieutenant-Governor nod for the Delhi police move "politically motivated".

India’s constitutional courts navigate challenges in upholding personal freedom over incarceration

While some bail pleas were swiftly addressed, many languished. A retrospective of 2023: Did the courts adequately safeguard the dwindling right to liberty for India's citizens?

Stop treating journalists like terrorists, media unions tell government as the 17th Lok Sabha begins

Release jailed editors, drop criminal charges, stop muzzling media through draconian laws, and enact a law to protect journalists from persecution: NAJ, DUJ, KUJ and others; several unions of working journalists have appealed strongly for enactment of a law to protect media persons from false prosecutions and enactment of the Wage Board and establishment of a Media Commission of India

Punjab & Haryana HC: Duty of the court to be more onerous, bail cannot be denied just because serious allegations

The Court held that there was no prima facie case made out against accused under UAPA and Arms Act, granted relief of bail; allegations suggested that the accused was planning to commit some terrorist acts based on relations with Pakistan

MHA further extends UAPA ban against 8 Meitei extremist organisations 

The Union Home Affairs Ministry notification issued Monday, November 13m said the organisations were banned for five years for their “anti-national activities, and launching fatal attacks on security forces.”

Speaking truth to power often means paying the price: India in 2023

These are critical times in India’s history: in fact,...

UAPA slapped on activists of Niyamgiri Suraksha Samiti: Kahalahandi, Orissa

This is only the last in a series of questionable detentions that have also taken place in Kashipur; the police appears to be protesting Adivasi human rights defenders (HRDs) from the Dongria Kondh tribe

‘Prosecution Itself is Punishment for Them’

The Modi government has a poor record of jailing civil rights activists and political dissenters, amounting to silencing of dissent

Bail to Vernon Gonsalves and Arun Ferreira after 5 years of incarceration!

Supreme Court bench granted the duo, arrested under UAPA in the Bhima Koregaon case, bail stating that while the charges against the two accused are serious, that alone cannot be the reason for denying bail

Beyond UAPA: Examining other central and state laws granting vast powers to Govt

Apart from the Unlawful Activities (prevention) Act (UAPA), there are other Central as well as State level legislations that deal with offences related to “security of the nation” and other related matters, and within this matrix accord unbridled powers to the government and its agencies.

Kashmiri journalist, human right defender languishing in jail under a draconian law

As Fahad Shah completes 500 days in jail, UN group calls detention of previously arrested activist Parvez “arbitrary”, urges India to reverse its politics of silencing dissent
