Tag: US muslims
Another challenging & tough year for American Muslims
The seven-million American Muslims remained at the receiving end since 9/11/2001 through reconfiguration of US laws, policies and priorities but their plight has taken a new twist under President...
7 मुस्लिम देशों से शरणार्थियों के अमेरिका आने पर डोनाल्ड ट्रम्प ने लगाया प्रतिबंध
Sabrang -
अमेरिका राष्ट्रपति डोनाल्ड ट्रंप ने शनिवार को एक ऐसे...
Muslim family gets heartwarming letter post Trump inauguration
A Muslim family in the US were pleasantly surprised...
हिजाब पहनकर स्कूल बस में गई मुस्लिम लड़की को चालक ने बस से नीचे उतारा
Sabrang -
अमेरिका में 15 साल की एक मुस्लिम लड़की ने...
Off-duty Hijab-clad Muslim officer harassed while with son in Brooklyn
An off-duty hijab-clad Muslim police officer was called “ISIS”...
Days after Trump’s win ‘US mosques receive threatening letters’
Amid reports of spurt in hate crimes against Muslims...