US Presidential Elections | SabrangIndia News Related to Human Rights Wed, 19 Oct 2016 11:29:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 US Presidential Elections | SabrangIndia 32 32 Hindu Sena burns Clinton posters, backs ‘Ally against Islamic Jihad’ Trump Wed, 19 Oct 2016 11:29:10 +0000 http://localhost/sabrangv4/2016/10/19/hindu-sena-burns-clinton-posters-backs-ally-against-islamic-jihad-trump/ Days after US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s remarks over friendly ties with India and the “Hindu” community, Hindu Sena in New Delhi organised a protest to condemn the rival Hillary Clinton’s alleged attempt at maligning the former’s image. Image: The Hindu right wing organisation has offered its full support to Trump, who, according […]

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Days after US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s remarks over friendly ties with India and the “Hindu” community, Hindu Sena in New Delhi organised a protest to condemn the rival Hillary Clinton’s alleged attempt at maligning the former’s image.

Hindu Sena

The Hindu right wing organisation has offered its full support to Trump, who, according to them, can be “India’s faithful ally to wage a war on Islamic jihad in Pakistan”.

A 30-strong mob belonging to the Hindu right wing organisation had gathered at Jantar Mantar on Tuesday. Clinton’s posters were burnt and placards were raised to display support for the Republican nominee.

Prem Verma, National Secretary General, Hindu Sena confirmed its stance to Sabrangindia. He said, “All the sexual harassment allegations made by Hillary Clinton and likes of her are fake, and it’s nothing but a political stunt by Clinton to debilitate Donald Trump.”

Alleging that Clinton has been supporting Pakistan and terrorism in South Asia, he claimed, “Clinton’s leadership cannot be beneficial for our country. We believe that she’s the one who is responsible for having supplied weapons to the terror groups in Asia – mainly, Pakistan.”

Trump, who is known for his staunch anti-Muslim stand, promised that if voted to power, India and the US would become “best friends” at a Republican Hindu Coalition event on Saturday.

“I am a big fan of Hindus and I am a big fan of India. If elected, the Indian and Hindu community would have a true friend at the White House," he said.

Referring to this promise, Verma told Sabrangindia, “Terrorism is a key issue for our country right now. Trump has the intent and the capacity to help India fight Pakistan and eliminate Islamic Jihad. He is in favour of Hindus and has promised the Americans as well that he’s going to put an end to terrorism. His presidency will be extremely fruitful for our country.”

He refuted the allegations of sexual harassment against Trump, claiming that he’s being framed by Clinton. “Where were these people all this time? As soon as these people realised that he’s so close to winning, these fake allegations have sprung up,” said Verma.

When asked if they too support Hindu Sena’s position on the US presidential election, Shiv Sena – a local Hindu right wing party from the state, said that it does not second Hindu Sena’s stance on the issue.

A party spokesperson told Sabrangindia, “We want to focus on local issues right now. Do we have a dearth of problems in Maharashtra? Our party does not want to take a stand on an issue which does not make any difference to us and the public here.”

It may seem that Trump is the recipient of support from the majority in India, but it’s interesting to note that only 9 per cent of Indian Americans are likely to give their vote to the Republican nominee.

According to the National Asian American Survey, 67 per cent of Indian Americans are most likely to vote for Clinton – the Democratic nominee, in the upcoming presidential elections of the US. No other Asian community opposes Trump's idea of banning the Muslim community into the US as much as Indians. Only 11% Indians supported the idea, and 78% opposed it.

The US presidential election to be held on November 8 this year, will see Clinton and Trump will be neck and neck to become the 45th president of the country. If Clinton wins, she’ll become the first woman president of the US.

Related story: Hindutva Backs Donald Trump

The post Hindu Sena burns Clinton posters, backs ‘Ally against Islamic Jihad’ Trump appeared first on SabrangIndia.
