Kandhamal: Under Whose Control?

Observations and Recommendations about Continued Violence in Orissa

Red Cross society,
Bhubaneswar Observations and Recommendations about Continued Violence in Orissa
Concerned Citizens' Fact Finding Team

An all India representative fact -finding team of concerned citi zens visited Khandamal district, met with the victims, the district administration and concerned citizens. The nature and extent of
the violence, the relief and rehabilitation of the victims and the role of the state administrative machinery and finally make appropriate recommendations for the return of peace and constitutional governance in
the affected areas.

I. Observations
1. The team through extensive interviews and survey determined that the violence was not spontaneous or due to local reasons but preplanned and communal attack on Christians. Both dalit and tribal Christians.

2. In the areas visited the churches were systematically burned and vandalized. Houses of those belonging to the Christian community were singled out looted and burned, and livestock were taken away. The team also investigated the burning and ransacking divyajyoti and jan vikas offices in Kanjamndi village near a police camp.

3. In the absence of comprehensive official information the team has substantiated information on A. the assault on the priest and a nun in K. Nuagagv village where the nun was gang raped; and both were paraded naked. A Bible preacher in Ludiamunda village was hacked to death when he refused forcible conversion to Hinduism, his paralysed mother was burned alive. C. We observed that
all people who were forced to take refuge first in the forest and then in the camps have not been able to return to their homes because of threats that they will be killed if they do not convert. In several instances,
Christians returning were attacked and some were killed.

II. Observation
Systematic nature of the violence clearly demonstrates that one of the main intentions was to change the villages' composition through a religious cleansing. Underlying element used to
muster local support was to loot and capture the property. Under the pretext of stopping forcible conversions the Christian community was subjected to programme to make them
change their religion and deny their fundamental under the Article 25 of the constitution, to preach practice and propagate their religion.

III. Observation
There is sufficient evidence collected by the team to indicate that the attackers were a combination of locals and out siders. The leadership and motivation was provided by the Visha Hindu Parishad, RSS and
the Bajrang Dal, in which the local business community played a major role. The attacking mobs were armed with guns and other weapons as well as petrol and kerosene. The huge local mobiliza tions suggest to long term planning and ideological indoctrination.

IV. Observation
Even weeks after the violence Khandamal remains in the grip of terror. Large scale fleeing to the forest and camps are continuing while the burning and looting of houses are continuing. The team witnessed hoses in Makwali and Salpagadi were burning in the morning of September 15 and were still smoldering. Because of the continued rein of terror and lack of adequate security people are finding it
impossible to return to their homes. Those who are leaving the camps are generally are fleeing the district for unknown destinations.

V. Observation
The relief camps are poorly organized and unable to meet the requirements of the victims. Malaria and Diahia and other undiagnosed fevers are rampant in the camps in the absence of proper medical care.
At last 20 births have occurre d in camps without proper institutional care. In number of cases there were no adequate provisions for special food for pregnant women and the ailing.

Nutritionally deficient food is being provided to the victims. Death is being reported from the camps. No facilities have been provided for school a nd college going children to continue their

VI. Observation
The state government is guilty of providing misleading a nd distorted data including minimizing the extent of suffering and dislocations. The District administration is not registering FIRs and has conseque
ntly has not made significant number of arrest of the guilty to act as an effective deterrent and improve the security situation for the Christians.

The state government is guilty of criminal negligence for standing by while preparations were made for the carnage and turning a blind eye to the perpetuators of violence by not recording  evidence or taking adequate action for relief and rehabilitation.

VII. Observation
The team believes that there is a prima facie case established that state government is protecting the perpetuators of the violence. The district observation has not taken effective action under the
law for the security of the victims and their rehabilitation.

The team demands
1. The union government must immediately i nvoke its powers under th e Article 355 and 256 and 257 of the Indian constitution to ensure that the state government fulfill its constitutional obligation to the citizens
2. Arrest the perpetuators and mobilisers, also using the power under the Section 153 and 153 A of the Indian Penal Code (IPC)
3. The district administration and the police and the superior officers must be held accountable for their dereliction of the duty.
4. Using its special powers the central government should institute a high level judicial enquiry into the communal violence.

Concerned Citizen's Fact Finding Team
1. Prof. Manoranjan Mohanty, Delhi
2. Ms. Seema Mustafa, Senior Journalist
3. Prof. Amit Bhaduri , Delhi
4. Prof. Kamal Mitra Chenoy, Delhi
5. Ms. Sgarika Chabbra, Delhi
6. Mr. Vincent Manoharan, Delhi
7. Dr. Prakash Louis, Patni
8. Dr. Prasad, Delhi
9. Ms. Guna, Madurai
10. Rajesh Kumar, Bhubaneswar

Kandhamal: Under Whose Control?

The riot among the Hindus and Muslims occurred in Rourkela in 1964-65 had lasted only for three days. But, in Kandhamal it has been continuing since last 20-days. It can be considered as the worst ever communal violence witnessed within Orissa. When the Government claims that the situation is peaceful and under control, but the reality is complete opposite. People are left as completely terror-stricken and nobody from minority community feels safe in villages, prefers to stay back in relief camps.

On 11th September 08 the Orissa government informed the Supreme Court that the law and order situation in Kandhamal had "improved considerably" and was now under control. In this regards, a detailed affidavit was submitted by the Orissa Home Secretary T.K. Mishra on behalf of the government, in response to a writ petition filed by Raphael Cheenath, the Cuttack Achbishop. The State Government's Counsel also informed the Apex Court Bench, comprising Chief Justice K.G. Balakrishnan and Justice P. Sathasivam, that all steps taken by the administration to maintain law had been taken. So far, the government has formed 354 peace committees to help restore harmony. Some 421 criminal cases have been instituted against the rioters and 629 persons involved in the violence have been booked. In the petition, the government also informed the Supreme Court that VHP leader Praveen Togadia's proposed kalash yatra was also barred from entering the district. It is yet to be informed of who the people in the peace committees are and how far they have earned the 'real' confidence of the villagers belonging to the minority community.

The Government and Sangha Parivar are trying to project the entire incident as a reflection of the age-old conflicts in between Adivasis and Dalits and situation under control. This is further palpable from the Chief Secretary's discussion with USA Consul General Ms Beth A Payne on 11th September. The Officer informed to Ms Payne, who has come to meet the Chief Minister Mr Naveen Patnaik and others for some commercial purposes at the Orissa Secretariat, - that it was not a communal violence against Christians, rather group clashes in between adivasis and dalits and now it is under control.

The question arises - what does 'situation is under control' mean, under whose control is it? The information as gathered from the field, it is under the control of the VHP, Bajrang Dal and their hooligans backed by BJP leaders. One civil society fact finding team returned today to Bhubaneswar after visiting the area. As we got from them through informal talks (they will present their official report after 1 or 2 days), they had to take permission from the district authority before entering into villages. The situation is unthinkably scaring and suspicious. Everybody is awfully waiting under uncertainty – as if, it may bring another big trouble next day. Even NGOs and reporters are under constant fear of being threatened.

The already ravished, terrorized, emotionally broken dalits and adivasis are being converted from Christianity to Hinduism in a well-planned manner. A villager (Christian) from Baliguda block called and informed today that they have been given a ultimatum by VHP people that they have to keep themselves prepared with two cocoanuts, non-boiled rice (arua chaula) and other items for attending re-conversion (sanskar) ceremony on 15th September 2008. In case they failed to do so, what will happen – only time can tell? 'In the meantime more than 1000 families have been reconverted within 15-days' according to a reporter, who does not want to disclose his identity.

A couple of days back, the leaders of VHP and RSS have announced to wipe out Christians from Kandhamal District shortly. This was reiterated by Sangha leaders on 11th September before press. Addressing media persons after his meeting with Sankaracharya, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad Chief, Ashok Singhal said while the crucifixion of Jesus helped in spreading Christianity worldwide, the killing of Swami Lakshmanananda Saraswati would end conversions and cow slaughter. He reiterated his vow to put an end to conversions in the country. Also he told that recently thousands of 'forcefully or deceptively' converted people in Kandhamal are coming back to Hinduism after they realized that the Christianity can not give them security and protection. State VHP leader Mr. Subash Chouhan said that religious functions would also be conducted to reconvert all the converts into the Hindu fold. He also said a month-long campaign from September 23 would be launched in which the holy 'soils' from the 'samadhi' of Swami Lakshmanananda would be taken in a procession to all the villages in the Kandhamal where the Christian missionaries had converted a large number of native tribal population into Christianity.

The 'reconversion programme' has been planned and being carried out very systematically in association with many influential persons and institutions. The VHP Supremo – Mr.Singhal had a closed-door meeting with the Puri Shankaracharya, Swami Neeschalananda Saraswati, at his mutt at Puri for over an hour. Also he had meets with the CM and the leaders of RSS, VHP, Bajrang Dal and BJP separately.

When the Government claiming the situation is peaceful and normal in Kandhamal, then why did the District Collector of Kandhamal, Krishan Kumar asked the State Election Commission to postpone the urban local bodies' poll in the area scheduled to be held Sep 19 since the situation had not become completely normal.' The situation is under control but in some areas, it continues to be tense,' he said. 'More than 20,000 people have been living in 18 relief camps and many of them have said they don't want to return home at this moment because they still fear a threat to their lives,' Although the ban order is still in force across the district, thousands of women blocked several roads Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday to demand the release of those (VHP people) arrested on rioting charges. This demand was put before the Orissa CM by none other than Mr.Ashok Singhal. These women, mostly tribals, often take to the streets defying prohibitory orders, admitted by Mr.Kumar. Why the administration is not able to stop these and arrest the RSS, VHP, BJP leaders who are mobilizing these women to organize such rallies near relief camps and creating atmosphere of terror and insecurity for the people in camps.

People belonging to minority communities either in relief camps or villages or outside are under constant fear, insecurity. They do not have other choices than to 'reconvert or die'. Now, the freedom, dignity and right of the adivasis and dalits are in the hands of VHP and BJP leaders and their hired hooligans. The Constitutional rights of a section of Indian citizens, who are said to be the original inhabitants (indigenous communities), are under captivity. Not to speak of taking up any actions to ensure their rights, the Government looks helpless before the designs of fundamentalists. The suspicion of the minority communities about the State of siding with communal forces and compromising its constitutional responsibilities as secular and democratic polity is gaining more ground. Of course the Civil Society still hopes 'the Navin government is not a collaborator, but a helpless and mute spectator'.

The Government and BJD-BJP leaders have strongly refused to accept the demand for CBI enquiry into both the murder of Laxmanananda and that of Christians. Actually whatever level of importance is given for the enquiry of Laxmanananda case, is below expectation. Comparing to it, a little has been done to trace out the murderers of innocent Christians during subsequent violence. The affected people are sometimes threatened by the hooligans not to file their FIRs against their leaders and followers and also discouraged by the local Police at some other time. After 15-days many people have not been able to file FIRs. There is no special arrangement by the administration for filing FIRs by affected ones, security of victims and protection of witness. Even the District authority is not allowing the Civil Society to help in providing legal aids to these hapless people, while the perpetrators of the violence are moving freely and intimidating the poor adivasis and dalits.

In the meantime, the Sangh Parivar prepared a list of about 140 people from Christian community alleging them to be the killers of Laxmanananda without any substantial proof and distributing it among its supporters with a purpose to punish them in case the Government fails to do the same and Mr.Singhal submitted the list to the CM. It has created danger for the lives of these people. The 'rule of the Sangh Parivar' overpowers the 'rule of law'. Immediately after the killing of Laxmanananda, disregarding the views of the Police DG, CM; they declared the Christian Community as responsible for the crime and also they announced the punishment that the 'Hindus would react severely'. And also they implemented the punishment by killing women-men, lynching disabled persons and children, burning Christian houses, shops, churches. The Sangh leaders decided not to undertake autopsy of the bodies of Laxmanananda and his disciples, the Administration obeyed it. The Sangh and BJP made the Government not to go for CBI enquiry. The VHP leaders expressed unhappiness over the investigation into the killing of Swami Laxmanananda by the Crime Branch and alleged that the Government was shielding the culprits. Eighteen days after the death of the Swami police are yet to identify the killers, he said. But they did not show slightest interest about the killing of innocent people subsequently and also they do not want it to be given to the CBI for enquiry. Then, what should we expect now from the Constitutional authorities, opposition political parties and civil society??

(The write-up is based on media reports and field information.)


Date wise incidents of riots from 19 August 2008 to 17 September 2008

Togadia to conduct Orissa 'yatra' despite SC objection

'We will condole his death by a yatra across the state' – Togadia cares a little to SC order

The VHP/RSS and their newly formed outfit 'Swami Laxmanananda Sraddhanjali Samity'  guided by VHP leaders  Mr. Parveen Togadia, Mr.Mohan Bhagwat and others have planned to organise a yatra carrying the 'asthi' or 'soils' from burial of slain VHP leader Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati in the state. This yatra will cover almost all villages of the district and many places of the state. It has been feared by many that it would increase violence in affected areas and spread tensions to other peaceful areas of the state. Many intellectuals, civil  society organizations, artists, opposition political parties have demanded to stop such type of yatras at any cost.

Following a petition filed by Arch Bishop, Cuttack, the Supreme Court sought clarifications from the Orissa Government and the government on 4th September assured the Supreme Court of the safety of Christians in the state and that it would not allow a Hindu group to take out a rally for carrying the ashes of slain leader Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati in Kandhamal district.


We are yet to know the words of the Supreme Court. Also we are in confusion as regards to the assurance given by the State government. Whatever we are getting to know from media and talks of the RSS/VHP leaders – the Sangha Parivar and its new outfit are not going to care the spirit of the SC order. The Yatra will be organized. Please see 'what Pravin Togadia tells to Time of India -

 Togadia to conduct Orissa 'yatra' despite SC objection

NEW DELHI: Facing flak from the Supreme Court over his proposed 'yatra' across Orissa with the "ashes" of slain VHP functionary Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati, Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) leader Pravin Togadia on Thursday said a 'yatra' condoling the murder will still be carried out.

"The dead body of Swamiji was not cremated. His was a samadhi and he was buried. So the claims of the 'asthi-kalash yatra' are not true. However, we will condole his death by a yatra across the state," said Togadia.

"We will march through every village and town of Orissa despite the pressure tactics of the Christians to ensure safety of Swami Laxmanada's murderers," he said.

Togadia said over phone that he never proposed to carry the "ashes" of Saraswati and alleged that Archbishop Raphael Cheenath had "lied under oath to the apex court".

The VHP leader did not specify any date for his 'yatra' but said "it will be conducted in a peaceful manner".

Earlier, in response to a query yesterday by the apex court, the state government today stated before the court in an affidavit that it will not allow Togadia to conduct any 'yatra' with the "ashes" of the slain VHP leader.

Today OTV ( a local channel) and 'Dharitri' (Oriya daily) informed that the Yatra will take place on 6th Sep 08 in Bhubaneswar with 'Sadhus', there will be 'installation' of 'Siba Linga' on the 'Samadhi' (burial place) of Laxmanananda on 7th, 'vaktas' (disciples) from each village of the state will come to bring soil from the 'Samadhi' and carry back to their respective villages on 8th Sep. Togadia's statement has been reconfirmed by VHP local leaders that there is no need to take permission from the state for this 'yatra'.

This is like playing hide and seeks with the 'rule of law'.

Now it is the turn of the Orissa Government how far they will sincerely respect to the Court's spirit and prove their committment to 'rule of law'.

Letter to SHRC

The State Human Rights Commission

Orissa burning again
Dt.26th August 2008.

Stocktaking of the situation in State of Orissa Violence re-erupted within the Indian state of Orissa today. The attacks performed by Hindu extremist groups are just one link in a long chain of events that have continued to strain Hindu-Christian relations within the state.

Today's attacks were triggered by the killing of a prominent Hindu leader this past weekend. On Saturday, August 23rd, Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati along with five other people was shot dead in his Jalaspeta Ashram near Tumudibandha (Kandhamal District, Orissa). A Naxalite group has claimed the responsibility saying that he devided people on the basis of religion and ethnicity. The Swami was 84 years old and was especially known for violently opposing cow slaughter and conversion. He opposed the extreme naxalite group. He is also believed to have orchestrated the Christmas 2007 riot against Christians in the Kandha mal district of Orissa which has left thousands of Christians homeless to this day. Since the December attacks Hindu-Christian relations have remained tense within Kandhamal. In retaliation for the August 23rd killings the VHP and its allied political families called for a bandh (road blockade) for the 25th of August. In the meantime a judicial enquiry is ordered into the incident, though many opposition parties have called for the resignation of Naveen Patnaik's for failing to maintain law and order.

In retaliation for the Swami's death, the extremist wing of the VHP has engaged in a series of attacks against Christians which started on 23rd and are expected to continue. On 23rd evening immediately after  the news of murder of Swami Laxmanada Saraswati spread in the district, two sisters of Precious Blood congregation at Kothaguda who were on their way to Berhampur were stopped near G. Udayagiri, pulled  out from the vehicle. Vehicle was then set on fire and the driver was severely beaten up. Almost at the same time a vehicle carrying HM sisters near Ainthapally in Sambalpur, a prayer chapel at Tentuliapadar in Sundargarh was also burned and destroyed. With these incidents, the stories of violence, abuse and attacks continue with several churches, church institutions, priests, Nuns, Christian people and their houses being attacked, abused, ransacked, and torched.

As the impact of the news started getting visible across the state, government got into action by announcing prohibitory orders (144 Section) in Kandhamal district. This was also a preparatory  action by the state government ahead of the 12-hour bandh called by the VHP and other affiliates of the Sangh Parivar on 25th august to protest the killing.

On Sunday morning 24th August 2008, prayers in many churches were disrupted with very fewparticipants attending the mass fearing attacks. From the same day attacks in Kandhamal district in tensified. It was the turn of Janvikas office like many other offices which were burnt to ashes during the violence in December 2007. Jan Vikas is a social wing of the Archdiocese of Cuttack Bhubaneswar and works towards empowerment of the most marginalised in the districts. A mob attacked, ransacked the office and set fire burning down three four wheelers, six motor cycles, all the important records and documentation of the organisation and office equipment. This incident took place at 5.30 in the evening.

After this, the mob continued their assaults at Divya Jyoti Pastoral Centre by gutting, burning and looting the same at about 6 p.m. The same group entered the Baliguda presbytery, convent and hostel damaging the properties.

In similar attacks, the Roman Catholic Church at Kanjamedi was attacked and vandalized at 6.30 p.m. The Diocesan Church at Kanjamedi was ransacked and other three Pentecostals churches were destroyed in the same way at 6.45 p.m. by the same group. In the late evening, about 12 Dalit Christian shops were burnt to ashes in Raikia.

On 25th August 2008 as the Bandh lead to many protests, rastha rokos, tyre burning etc., the following incidents of violence shook the whole state and the Christian community. At 7.00 a.m, Phulbani Church and presbytery were vandalized and ransacked. Srasanda MC Brother's residence was attacked and the patients who came there to get treatment were beaten up and the VHP activists continued to burn houses and household articles of Christian families in the area. Eight houses were completely destroyed in this incident.

On the same day at 10.30 a.m houses of Christian families in Christiansahi in Balliguda were destroyed and ransacked. The details of damage and the numbers are not available as yet. In a similar incident houses in Nuasahi were set on fire dest roying the whole street where Christian families lived. This incident took place at 11.30 a.m. Two boys studying in the church run hostel were caught in Baliguda and their  heads were tonsured. In the afternoon at about 1.00 P.M, Mr. Jamaj Parichha's house was attacked and his vehicles were set ablaze, doors were cut into pieces and he was beaten up by the mob. He sustained  severe head injury and is hospitalised (place is not disclosed because of the security reasons). It is said that he is one of the primary targets of the hindutva forces in the area. His wife being a Hindu pleaded the mob to spare him and even showed that she practices Hinduism but they showed no mercy continued beating him up and said "he is a Christian and we will kill him".

As this incident happened, houses of the staffs of Jan Vikas (Diocesan organisation under the Arch Diocese of Cuttack- Bhubaneswar) were also burnt. Five staffs are directly affected by this violence and all of them fled their villages and went into hiding. In a very similar way, at 2 p.m. the house of Mr. Puren Nayak resident of Bhudansahi was attacked and burnt into ashes. All his assets were removed from the house  and were set on fire in a pile.

As the violence continued in the village, mob ransacked the Christian houses burnt all their belongings. The women (Hindu) in the community were identifying the houses to be burnt down as the mob followed their instructions. Women also supplied kerosene to encourage the mob. We will observe that in such incidents of burning and ransacking, the strategy used by the mob is very similar. The household articles  and assets are brought outside the house and are set on fire. This is because under Indian Penal code section 436, the person/persons involved in burning the house are punishable with 7 years+ of rigorous  imprison ment and this falls under the category of a non bailable offence. And when the assets/belonging are brought outside the house and burnt, it's a bailable offense and the punishment is limited to 6  months to one year of imprisonment. This offense falls under IPC 435.

Fr. Challan, Director of Pastoral centre, Kanjamen di and Sr. Meena, administrator of the centre which was burnt and ransacked on 24th escaped from the centre to hide in Mr. Jashawanta Pradhan's house. On 25th , mob having the information about this forcefully entered the house dragging both of them outside. They were beaten up badly and taken to the police fundi (smaller unit of police station) in the area. It is reported that they were tied up in the fundi and were threatened of being burnt alive.

There is no update about their condition since then. Paul Pradhan who heads an NGO in the district and works for the rights of dalits and adivasis was also attacked in his house, office was destroyed  completely. It is also reported that most of the Christian houses in Tikkabali block were attacked and set fire. Numbers are still unknown. One person called Vikram Nayak was cut into pieces at Tiagian under G Udaygiri police station. Other two sustained injuries while no medication facilities have been made available and it is reported that both two persons were died. In Tiangi a village under the same police station limits, houses of Christian families were set on fire and people have fled to jungle. It was reported that the miscreants have been following them and were attacking.

On 25th late night, Sankrakhol Parish church and presbytery were set fire and ransacked, the parish priest Fr. Alexandar Chandi left to the nearest forest and he was saved. It is reported that his most of the assets are set fire and church is completely destroyed.

Fr. Bernard Digal who had gone to visit Fr. Alex andar Chandi was held up in Sankrakhol parish when the mob attacked the church. His Marshal Jeep was set fire. While narrating the incident Fr.Bernard said that when the mob enters the church premise they left to the forest and hid themselves. They were safe but the vehicle was set fire. He walked around 10.K.M to reach one of his relations house. As he was walking the attack ers were use to see him but could not recognise.

On 25th August late night the Convent of St.Joseph's at Sankrakhole was attacked and ransacked. Sisters also left to the forest and have saved their life.

On 25th August 2008, Mr. Abenswar Digal's house is set fire, under Tikabali Police station.

On 25th August 2008, at about 11.00 p.m 23 houses of Gumagarh, under Bisipadsad Police station were attacked and ransacked.

In Raikia, attacks are on as of 11.30 p.m. and the nature of damage is yet to be known. As per the first information report reveals that on 25th August late evening at Raikia 17 Christian houses were ransacked. Most of the house articles and assets were removed from the house and gathered outside and set fire. As per the first hand report the victims identified were Mr. Bijay Parichha, Mr. R.K.Nayak, Mr. Joseph Nayak, Mr. Susant Dal Behera, Mr. Santosh Nayak, Mr. Santun Nayak, Mr. Harihar Das, Mr. Mosesh Nayak, Mr. Prakash Nayak, Mr. Raju Parichha and others.

On 25th August 2008 late night The Ambasadar Vehicle of Mr. Sukant Nayak, Director Shahara (NGO), was set fire.

On 25th August 2008 late night The Office of Karuna (NGO), under Raikia Police station were ransacked.

On 25th afternoon the Pentecostal church at Budamaha, under Raikia Polic station was vandalized and ransacked.

On 25th August 2008, Masadkia church was vandalized and ransacked.

On 25th August 2008, two Pentecostal churches were vandalized and ransacked.

On 25th August 2008, Pisermaha Church, under Raikia Police station was vandalized and ransacked.

On 25th August 2008, Baptist church and R.C Church at Mondakia under Raikia Police station was vandalized and ransacked.

On 25th August 2008, Mdahupanga Church, under Raikia Police station was vandalized and ransacked.

As the violence continues, most of the parish priests and sisters are still not reachable and their conditions are not known. The houses are being burnt in several places in Phulbani, Srasanada, Pobingia, Balliguda and Konjamendi. In Bhubaneswar, the impact of the Bandh was also felt severely by people with most of the office being closed, shops stayed closed as well. Transportation was totally disrupted and tyres were burnt in many places across the city. There were huge rallies by the supporters of VHP and Bajrangdal on the main roads and junctions.

There were also some cases of attacks reported within the city and most of these attacks were on churches and church related institutions. From early morning of 25th onwards violent mobs made several attempts to enter the compound of Catholic Church and Archbishop's house in the city with a view to attack. Policemen deployed at the scene disbursed the mob and stopped them from entering the campus. Angry mob threw stones at the guest house of Archbishop's House, damaging some windows panes.

Another group of fundamentalists entered presbytery in Duburi parish, managed by the SVDs and destroyed and damaged property. Two priests of the said parish Fr. Xavier and Fr. Simon are missing and their where about are yet to be found. Institutions like St. Arnold's School (Kalinga Bihar); NISWASS have suffered some damages while one Baptist Church in Akamra Jila in the city was also damaged.

Situation seems to be very serious and worsening by every hour with violence being intensified. From across the districts, people are trying to flee to the safer places. But nothing seems be safe as of now. The violence can turn more intense as the people return after Swami's cremation. Other events that took place in Rayagada, Gajapati, Koraput and other south Orissa districts left Christians and Christian institutions throughout the state fearful. Father Obed Khura of Sunebeda received three threatening calls. While he approached the Sunebeda OIC, has was refused police protection and was sent back with assurance that the school he runs will not be attacked and was instructed to stay away from the school.

In Muniguda (closer to Tumudibandha, Rayagada district), as the mass was coming to an end two jeep loads of youth from the town entered the compound and started shouting slogans. The police arrived on time and prevented the situation from escalating. Three policemen have been deployed at the gate which has been destroyed. The Church and Convent at Muniguda could not be saved. Around 80 inmates under the leadership of Fr. Pius Ekka and Sr. Marina Chacko have taken refuge in the forest. This happened in spite of the fact that Fr. Marshal Mihir Upasi was constantly in touch with the State Control Office of the Orissa Police and the SP of Rayagada. The mob first torched the police Jeep in Muniguda and then proceeded to the Convent and Church. On the previous day (24 th of August) the mob threatened the Fathers after Sunday Mass. The mob sought out the houses holding Christian families and managed to destroy so me of them. As a consequence allowing refuge to families has placed others at risk.

As the mob moved on from Bhairaguda, 3 km away from Muniguda to seek shelter in a school while raining, the villagers from the Hindu community fed them. This took place at 7.20 pm. Expecting an attack Fr. Manickthan, Bhawanipat na asked for protection, the SP expressed his inability to do anything due to the size of the mob. When Father suggested the SP on announcing curfew in the area and stop the mob's movement, the angry SP retorted saying that Fr. need not give orders to him. Later in the forenoon both the ADM and the SP visited the Church compound and inspected the law and order situation. The Malankara hostel was attacked in Bhawanipatna, not far from the Catholic Church, and many children have been badly hurt.

Missionaries of Charity from Dharmagarh, unaware of the events from the previous night, were travelling to Bhawanipatna for Sunday Mass. Near the jail in Bhawanipatna town their ambulance was intercepted and pelted with stones. All the sisters sustained minor injuries from the stones and broken glass. The police arrived and sent them back in the same damaged vehicle to Dharmagarh. Sr. Suma and Sr. Nirmala have been informed of this and the district administration has assured them of protection.

A group of police are guarding the Church in Jey pore after the threat of oncoming attacks. The police informed Fr. Bimol Nayak that some 200 people are preparing to attack the Church. Fr. Bimol Nayak and another Brother have taken shelter with nearby friends. Around 24 policemen are guarding the church compound in Mohana after road blocks started on Sunday evening. Additionally, a group of 9 police men are safe guarding the Church in Goudogotho and the Cathedral.

It is also reported that the Lutheran Church in  Malkangiri, Padua, and Gunupur were destroyed. Fathers and Sisters along with the children in Gumuda have left the mission stations fearing attacks. On the 24th as the Congregation was coming out of the Church in Malkangiri, a group of angry youth harassed them and forced them to recite Bande Mataram. 22 Christian Families of Shanti Nagar (Givindapur)  at the  foothill of Taptapani Hot Spring were also assaulted and forced to leave the village.

In Boudh also, a group of protestors entered the parish and destroyed things and property. Communal tension was high also in other districts across the state with several incidents of attacks against the people as well as property. In Balasore, Balsore Social Service Society (official social wing of the Balasore diocese) was attacked three times during the day on 25 th august. The mob shouting slogans broke all the window panes and destroyed a statue of Mother Mary which was installed in the BSSS office campus. Badrak also had few incident s of attacks but the details are not known.

Hindu protestors attacked Jyoti Niketan of Baip ariguda in Koraput district in the afternoon of 25th August. Father Joy Areeckal had to run into the forest and the hostel children and his social workers are subjected to insults and intimidation. The Mission has been destroyed along with all that it contained. A sad twist to the story is that the police along with the people seized wooden planks in spite of the fact that the carpenters who are building a new hostel building in the campus there claimed that it was bought by them. Consequently, a criminal case may be filed against Fr. Areeckal under the Forest Act.

Mr. Routo Desinayak and Ms. Kalyani, who works for an agro-entrepreneurship program for SWAD at Boipariguda were also arrested under the forest protection act. Though the Police Officer and the Block Development Officer was not willing, the mob forced the police to tie Mr. Desinayak with a rope and drag him through the street up to the Forest Office. Miss Kalyani being a woman was spared of this ordeal.

In Govindapally, close to Boipariguda, protestors entered the Convent and damaged the grotto of Our Lady and the Cross of the Church yard. In the same district Fathers and Sisters in Koraput, Jeypore and Semiliguda are in hiding. In Bargarh district, a mob of about 2000 people went around ransacking many church institutions and there were serious attacks on priests and nuns. In Padampur, Fr. Edward Sequira was attacked and was beaten up brutally. He survived with serious head injury and still unconscious. "His life is under critical still" said Fr. Alphonse Toppo, Vicar Gerneral of Sambalpur diocese. The institution  which caters to children affected by Leprosy was attacked and burnt. While the institution burnt to ashes, along with it also burnt was the auxiliary nurse Rajani Majhi 20 year old, who took care of the children in the institute and was studying in Padampur Women's College.

Sundargarh also saw many such incidents of church burning and attacks on church properties damages are yet to be ascertained. In Sambalpur district, Hand Maid Sister's residence of Ainthapalli has suffered  damage while priests are given warnings of attacks in Madhupur, Badibahal area. Stone pelting and breaking of window panes of churches and related institutions was a common scene across the state. A  Roman Catholic cemetery was damaged by an irate mob in Sambalpur town. The mob also pelted the stones at the Oriya Baptist Church near G.M College. Burning of motorbike belonging to a pastor Pravakar  Munna, ransacking of a prayer house in Chiplima and attempt to attack a mission institution were also reported.

In continuation to all this violence across the state, Dibyasingh Pariccha, PRO and Secretary, Justice and Peace Commission (Arch diocese of Cuttack Bhubaneswar) has condemned the killing of Swami  Laxmananda Saraswati and appealed for a CBI enquiry into the incident. He requested that culprits responsible for the incident be punished instead of attacking the whole Christian community. He appealed to  the government to deploy adequate forces to safeguard life and property of Christian people.

On 26th August 2008, at bout 11.30 a.m the mob is attacking at Badimunda Village, under Tikabali police station in Kandhamal District. It is reported Roman Catholic Church and 5 individual houses were set fire. It is reported that people are suffering from with out food, cloth and shelter. Last night, there was heavy rain and people were in the forest with the wet cloth. However, the condition of the children and women were indescribable. School child ren are deprived of their studies. Kindly pray for us so that peace and harmony may return soon. Thank you very much for your solidarity.

Dibkar Parichha

Observations and Recommendations about Continued Violence in Orissa

Red Cross society,
Bhubaneswar Observations and Recommendations about Continued Violence in Orissa
Concerned Citizens' Fact Finding Team

An all India representative fact -finding team of concerned citi zens visited Khandamal district, met with the victims, the district administration and concerned citizens. The nature and extent of
the violence, the relief and rehabilitation of the victims and the role of the state administrative machinery and finally make appropriate recommendations for the return of peace and constitutional governance in
the affected areas.

I. Observations
1. The team through extensive interviews and survey determined that the violence was not spontaneous or due to local reasons but preplanned and communal attack on Christians. Both dalit and tribal Christians.

2. In the areas visited the churches were systematically burned and vandalized. Houses of those belonging to the Christian community were singled out looted and burned, and livestock were taken away. The team also investigated the burning and ransacking divyajyoti and jan vikas offices in Kanjamndi village near a police camp.

3. In the absence of comprehensive official information the team has substantiated information on A. the assault on the priest and a nun in K. Nuagagv village where the nun was gang raped; and both were paraded naked. A Bible preacher in Ludiamunda village was hacked to death when he refused forcible conversion to Hinduism, his paralysed mother was burned alive. C. We observed that
all people who were forced to take refuge first in the forest and then in the camps have not been able to return to their homes because of threats that they will be killed if they do not convert. In several instances,
Christians returning were attacked and some were killed.

II. Observation
Systematic nature of the violence clearly demonstrates that one of the main intentions was to change the villages' composition through a religious cleansing. Underlying element used to
muster local support was to loot and capture the property. Under the pretext of stopping forcible conversions the Christian community was subjected to programme to make them
change their religion and deny their fundamental under the Article 25 of the constitution, to preach practice and propagate their religion.

III. Observation
There is sufficient evidence collected by the team to indicate that the attackers were a combination of locals and out siders. The leadership and motivation was provided by the Visha Hindu Parishad, RSS and
the Bajrang Dal, in which the local business community played a major role. The attacking mobs were armed with guns and other weapons as well as petrol and kerosene. The huge local mobiliza tions suggest to long term planning and ideological indoctrination.

IV. Observation
Even weeks after the violence Khandamal remains in the grip of terror. Large scale fleeing to the forest and camps are continuing while the burning and looting of houses are continuing. The team witnessed hoses in Makwali and Salpagadi were burning in the morning of September 15 and were still smoldering. Because of the continued rein of terror and lack of adequate security people are finding it
impossible to return to their homes. Those who are leaving the camps are generally are fleeing the district for unknown destinations.

V. Observation
The relief camps are poorly organized and unable to meet the requirements of the victims. Malaria and Diahia and other undiagnosed fevers are rampant in the camps in the absence of proper medical care.
At last 20 births have occurre d in camps without proper institutional care. In number of cases there were no adequate provisions for special food for pregnant women and the ailing.

Nutritionally deficient food is being provided to the victims. Death is being reported from the camps. No facilities have been provided for school a nd college going children to continue their

VI. Observation
The state government is guilty of providing misleading a nd distorted data including minimizing the extent of suffering and dislocations. The District administration is not registering FIRs and has conseque
ntly has not made significant number of arrest of the guilty to act as an effective deterrent and improve the security situation for the Christians.

The state government is guilty of criminal negligence for standing by while preparations were made for the carnage and turning a blind eye to the perpetuators of violence by not recording  evidence or taking adequate action for relief and rehabilitation.

VII. Observation
The team believes that there is a prima facie case established that state government is protecting the perpetuators of the violence. The district observation has not taken effective action under the
law for the security of the victims and their rehabilitation.

The team demands
1. The union government must immediately i nvoke its powers under th e Article 355 and 256 and 257 of the Indian constitution to ensure that the state government fulfill its constitutional obligation to the citizens
2. Arrest the perpetuators and mobilisers, also using the power under the Section 153 and 153 A of the Indian Penal Code (IPC)
3. The district administration and the police and the superior officers must be held accountable for their dereliction of the duty.
4. Using its special powers the central government should institute a high level judicial enquiry into the communal violence.

Concerned Citizen's Fact Finding Team
1. Prof. Manoranjan Mohanty, Delhi
2. Ms. Seema Mustafa, Senior Journalist
3. Prof. Amit Bhaduri , Delhi
4. Prof. Kamal Mitra Chenoy, Delhi
5. Ms. Sgarika Chabbra, Delhi
6. Mr. Vincent Manoharan, Delhi
7. Dr. Prakash Louis, Patni
8. Dr. Prasad, Delhi
9. Ms. Guna, Madurai
10. Rajesh Kumar, Bhubaneswar

Kandhamal: Under Whose Control?

The riot among the Hindus and Muslims occurred in Rourkela in 1964-65 had lasted only for three days. But, in Kandhamal it has been continuing since last 20-days. It can be considered as the worst ever communal violence witnessed within Orissa. When the Government claims that the situation is peaceful and under control, but the reality is complete opposite. People are left as completely terror-stricken and nobody from minority community feels safe in villages, prefers to stay back in relief camps.

On 11th September 08 the Orissa government informed the Supreme Court that the law and order situation in Kandhamal had "improved considerably" and was now under control. In this regards, a detailed affidavit was submitted by the Orissa Home Secretary T.K. Mishra on behalf of the government, in response to a writ petition filed by Raphael Cheenath, the Cuttack Achbishop. The State Government's Counsel also informed the Apex Court Bench, comprising Chief Justice K.G. Balakrishnan and Justice P. Sathasivam, that all steps taken by the administration to maintain law had been taken. So far, the government has formed 354 peace committees to help restore harmony. Some 421 criminal cases have been instituted against the rioters and 629 persons involved in the violence have been booked. In the petition, the government also informed the Supreme Court that VHP leader Praveen Togadia's proposed kalash yatra was also barred from entering the district. It is yet to be informed of who the people in the peace committees are and how far they have earned the 'real' confidence of the villagers belonging to the minority community.

The Government and Sangha Parivar are trying to project the entire incident as a reflection of the age-old conflicts in between Adivasis and Dalits and situation under control. This is further palpable from the Chief Secretary's discussion with USA Consul General Ms Beth A Payne on 11th September. The Officer informed to Ms Payne, who has come to meet the Chief Minister Mr Naveen Patnaik and others for some commercial purposes at the Orissa Secretariat, - that it was not a communal violence against Christians, rather group clashes in between adivasis and dalits and now it is under control.

The question arises - what does 'situation is under control' mean, under whose control is it? The information as gathered from the field, it is under the control of the VHP, Bajrang Dal and their hooligans backed by BJP leaders. One civil society fact finding team returned today to Bhubaneswar after visiting the area. As we got from them through informal talks (they will present their official report after 1 or 2 days), they had to take permission from the district authority before entering into villages. The situation is unthinkably scaring and suspicious. Everybody is awfully waiting under uncertainty – as if, it may bring another big trouble next day. Even NGOs and reporters are under constant fear of being threatened.

The already ravished, terrorized, emotionally broken dalits and adivasis are being converted from Christianity to Hinduism in a well-planned manner. A villager (Christian) from Baliguda block called and informed today that they have been given a ultimatum by VHP people that they have to keep themselves prepared with two cocoanuts, non-boiled rice (arua chaula) and other items for attending re-conversion (sanskar) ceremony on 15th September 2008. In case they failed to do so, what will happen – only time can tell? 'In the meantime more than 1000 families have been reconverted within 15-days' according to a reporter, who does not want to disclose his identity.

A couple of days back, the leaders of VHP and RSS have announced to wipe out Christians from Kandhamal District shortly. This was reiterated by Sangha leaders on 11th September before press. Addressing media persons after his meeting with Sankaracharya, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad Chief, Ashok Singhal said while the crucifixion of Jesus helped in spreading Christianity worldwide, the killing of Swami Lakshmanananda Saraswati would end conversions and cow slaughter. He reiterated his vow to put an end to conversions in the country. Also he told that recently thousands of 'forcefully or deceptively' converted people in Kandhamal are coming back to Hinduism after they realized that the Christianity can not give them security and protection. State VHP leader Mr. Subash Chouhan said that religious functions would also be conducted to reconvert all the converts into the Hindu fold. He also said a month-long campaign from September 23 would be launched in which the holy 'soils' from the 'samadhi' of Swami Lakshmanananda would be taken in a procession to all the villages in the Kandhamal where the Christian missionaries had converted a large number of native tribal population into Christianity.

The 'reconversion programme' has been planned and being carried out very systematically in association with many influential persons and institutions. The VHP Supremo – Mr.Singhal had a closed-door meeting with the Puri Shankaracharya, Swami Neeschalananda Saraswati, at his mutt at Puri for over an hour. Also he had meets with the CM and the leaders of RSS, VHP, Bajrang Dal and BJP separately.

When the Government claiming the situation is peaceful and normal in Kandhamal, then why did the District Collector of Kandhamal, Krishan Kumar asked the State Election Commission to postpone the urban local bodies' poll in the area scheduled to be held Sep 19 since the situation had not become completely normal.' The situation is under control but in some areas, it continues to be tense,' he said. 'More than 20,000 people have been living in 18 relief camps and many of them have said they don't want to return home at this moment because they still fear a threat to their lives,' Although the ban order is still in force across the district, thousands of women blocked several roads Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday to demand the release of those (VHP people) arrested on rioting charges. This demand was put before the Orissa CM by none other than Mr.Ashok Singhal. These women, mostly tribals, often take to the streets defying prohibitory orders, admitted by Mr.Kumar. Why the administration is not able to stop these and arrest the RSS, VHP, BJP leaders who are mobilizing these women to organize such rallies near relief camps and creating atmosphere of terror and insecurity for the people in camps.

People belonging to minority communities either in relief camps or villages or outside are under constant fear, insecurity. They do not have other choices than to 'reconvert or die'. Now, the freedom, dignity and right of the adivasis and dalits are in the hands of VHP and BJP leaders and their hired hooligans. The Constitutional rights of a section of Indian citizens, who are said to be the original inhabitants (indigenous communities), are under captivity. Not to speak of taking up any actions to ensure their rights, the Government looks helpless before the designs of fundamentalists. The suspicion of the minority communities about the State of siding with communal forces and compromising its constitutional responsibilities as secular and democratic polity is gaining more ground. Of course the Civil Society still hopes 'the Navin government is not a collaborator, but a helpless and mute spectator'.

The Government and BJD-BJP leaders have strongly refused to accept the demand for CBI enquiry into both the murder of Laxmanananda and that of Christians. Actually whatever level of importance is given for the enquiry of Laxmanananda case, is below expectation. Comparing to it, a little has been done to trace out the murderers of innocent Christians during subsequent violence. The affected people are sometimes threatened by the hooligans not to file their FIRs against their leaders and followers and also discouraged by the local Police at some other time. After 15-days many people have not been able to file FIRs. There is no special arrangement by the administration for filing FIRs by affected ones, security of victims and protection of witness. Even the District authority is not allowing the Civil Society to help in providing legal aids to these hapless people, while the perpetrators of the violence are moving freely and intimidating the poor adivasis and dalits.

In the meantime, the Sangh Parivar prepared a list of about 140 people from Christian community alleging them to be the killers of Laxmanananda without any substantial proof and distributing it among its supporters with a purpose to punish them in case the Government fails to do the same and Mr.Singhal submitted the list to the CM. It has created danger for the lives of these people. The 'rule of the Sangh Parivar' overpowers the 'rule of law'. Immediately after the killing of Laxmanananda, disregarding the views of the Police DG, CM; they declared the Christian Community as responsible for the crime and also they announced the punishment that the 'Hindus would react severely'. And also they implemented the punishment by killing women-men, lynching disabled persons and children, burning Christian houses, shops, churches. The Sangh leaders decided not to undertake autopsy of the bodies of Laxmanananda and his disciples, the Administration obeyed it. The Sangh and BJP made the Government not to go for CBI enquiry. The VHP leaders expressed unhappiness over the investigation into the killing of Swami Laxmanananda by the Crime Branch and alleged that the Government was shielding the culprits. Eighteen days after the death of the Swami police are yet to identify the killers, he said. But they did not show slightest interest about the killing of innocent people subsequently and also they do not want it to be given to the CBI for enquiry. Then, what should we expect now from the Constitutional authorities, opposition political parties and civil society??

(The write-up is based on media reports and field information.)


Date wise incidents of riots from 19 August 2008 to 17 September 2008

Togadia to conduct Orissa 'yatra' despite SC objection

'We will condole his death by a yatra across the state' – Togadia cares a little to SC order

The VHP/RSS and their newly formed outfit 'Swami Laxmanananda Sraddhanjali Samity'  guided by VHP leaders  Mr. Parveen Togadia, Mr.Mohan Bhagwat and others have planned to organise a yatra carrying the 'asthi' or 'soils' from burial of slain VHP leader Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati in the state. This yatra will cover almost all villages of the district and many places of the state. It has been feared by many that it would increase violence in affected areas and spread tensions to other peaceful areas of the state. Many intellectuals, civil  society organizations, artists, opposition political parties have demanded to stop such type of yatras at any cost.

Following a petition filed by Arch Bishop, Cuttack, the Supreme Court sought clarifications from the Orissa Government and the government on 4th September assured the Supreme Court of the safety of Christians in the state and that it would not allow a Hindu group to take out a rally for carrying the ashes of slain leader Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati in Kandhamal district.


We are yet to know the words of the Supreme Court. Also we are in confusion as regards to the assurance given by the State government. Whatever we are getting to know from media and talks of the RSS/VHP leaders – the Sangha Parivar and its new outfit are not going to care the spirit of the SC order. The Yatra will be organized. Please see 'what Pravin Togadia tells to Time of India -

 Togadia to conduct Orissa 'yatra' despite SC objection

NEW DELHI: Facing flak from the Supreme Court over his proposed 'yatra' across Orissa with the "ashes" of slain VHP functionary Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati, Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) leader Pravin Togadia on Thursday said a 'yatra' condoling the murder will still be carried out.

"The dead body of Swamiji was not cremated. His was a samadhi and he was buried. So the claims of the 'asthi-kalash yatra' are not true. However, we will condole his death by a yatra across the state," said Togadia.

"We will march through every village and town of Orissa despite the pressure tactics of the Christians to ensure safety of Swami Laxmanada's murderers," he said.

Togadia said over phone that he never proposed to carry the "ashes" of Saraswati and alleged that Archbishop Raphael Cheenath had "lied under oath to the apex court".

The VHP leader did not specify any date for his 'yatra' but said "it will be conducted in a peaceful manner".

Earlier, in response to a query yesterday by the apex court, the state government today stated before the court in an affidavit that it will not allow Togadia to conduct any 'yatra' with the "ashes" of the slain VHP leader.

Today OTV ( a local channel) and 'Dharitri' (Oriya daily) informed that the Yatra will take place on 6th Sep 08 in Bhubaneswar with 'Sadhus', there will be 'installation' of 'Siba Linga' on the 'Samadhi' (burial place) of Laxmanananda on 7th, 'vaktas' (disciples) from each village of the state will come to bring soil from the 'Samadhi' and carry back to their respective villages on 8th Sep. Togadia's statement has been reconfirmed by VHP local leaders that there is no need to take permission from the state for this 'yatra'.

This is like playing hide and seeks with the 'rule of law'.

Now it is the turn of the Orissa Government how far they will sincerely respect to the Court's spirit and prove their committment to 'rule of law'.

Letter to SHRC

The State Human Rights Commission

Orissa burning again
Dt.26th August 2008.

Stocktaking of the situation in State of Orissa Violence re-erupted within the Indian state of Orissa today. The attacks performed by Hindu extremist groups are just one link in a long chain of events that have continued to strain Hindu-Christian relations within the state.

Today's attacks were triggered by the killing of a prominent Hindu leader this past weekend. On Saturday, August 23rd, Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati along with five other people was shot dead in his Jalaspeta Ashram near Tumudibandha (Kandhamal District, Orissa). A Naxalite group has claimed the responsibility saying that he devided people on the basis of religion and ethnicity. The Swami was 84 years old and was especially known for violently opposing cow slaughter and conversion. He opposed the extreme naxalite group. He is also believed to have orchestrated the Christmas 2007 riot against Christians in the Kandha mal district of Orissa which has left thousands of Christians homeless to this day. Since the December attacks Hindu-Christian relations have remained tense within Kandhamal. In retaliation for the August 23rd killings the VHP and its allied political families called for a bandh (road blockade) for the 25th of August. In the meantime a judicial enquiry is ordered into the incident, though many opposition parties have called for the resignation of Naveen Patnaik's for failing to maintain law and order.

In retaliation for the Swami's death, the extremist wing of the VHP has engaged in a series of attacks against Christians which started on 23rd and are expected to continue. On 23rd evening immediately after  the news of murder of Swami Laxmanada Saraswati spread in the district, two sisters of Precious Blood congregation at Kothaguda who were on their way to Berhampur were stopped near G. Udayagiri, pulled  out from the vehicle. Vehicle was then set on fire and the driver was severely beaten up. Almost at the same time a vehicle carrying HM sisters near Ainthapally in Sambalpur, a prayer chapel at Tentuliapadar in Sundargarh was also burned and destroyed. With these incidents, the stories of violence, abuse and attacks continue with several churches, church institutions, priests, Nuns, Christian people and their houses being attacked, abused, ransacked, and torched.

As the impact of the news started getting visible across the state, government got into action by announcing prohibitory orders (144 Section) in Kandhamal district. This was also a preparatory  action by the state government ahead of the 12-hour bandh called by the VHP and other affiliates of the Sangh Parivar on 25th august to protest the killing.

On Sunday morning 24th August 2008, prayers in many churches were disrupted with very fewparticipants attending the mass fearing attacks. From the same day attacks in Kandhamal district in tensified. It was the turn of Janvikas office like many other offices which were burnt to ashes during the violence in December 2007. Jan Vikas is a social wing of the Archdiocese of Cuttack Bhubaneswar and works towards empowerment of the most marginalised in the districts. A mob attacked, ransacked the office and set fire burning down three four wheelers, six motor cycles, all the important records and documentation of the organisation and office equipment. This incident took place at 5.30 in the evening.

After this, the mob continued their assaults at Divya Jyoti Pastoral Centre by gutting, burning and looting the same at about 6 p.m. The same group entered the Baliguda presbytery, convent and hostel damaging the properties.

In similar attacks, the Roman Catholic Church at Kanjamedi was attacked and vandalized at 6.30 p.m. The Diocesan Church at Kanjamedi was ransacked and other three Pentecostals churches were destroyed in the same way at 6.45 p.m. by the same group. In the late evening, about 12 Dalit Christian shops were burnt to ashes in Raikia.

On 25th August 2008 as the Bandh lead to many protests, rastha rokos, tyre burning etc., the following incidents of violence shook the whole state and the Christian community. At 7.00 a.m, Phulbani Church and presbytery were vandalized and ransacked. Srasanda MC Brother's residence was attacked and the patients who came there to get treatment were beaten up and the VHP activists continued to burn houses and household articles of Christian families in the area. Eight houses were completely destroyed in this incident.

On the same day at 10.30 a.m houses of Christian families in Christiansahi in Balliguda were destroyed and ransacked. The details of damage and the numbers are not available as yet. In a similar incident houses in Nuasahi were set on fire dest roying the whole street where Christian families lived. This incident took place at 11.30 a.m. Two boys studying in the church run hostel were caught in Baliguda and their  heads were tonsured. In the afternoon at about 1.00 P.M, Mr. Jamaj Parichha's house was attacked and his vehicles were set ablaze, doors were cut into pieces and he was beaten up by the mob. He sustained  severe head injury and is hospitalised (place is not disclosed because of the security reasons). It is said that he is one of the primary targets of the hindutva forces in the area. His wife being a Hindu pleaded the mob to spare him and even showed that she practices Hinduism but they showed no mercy continued beating him up and said "he is a Christian and we will kill him".

As this incident happened, houses of the staffs of Jan Vikas (Diocesan organisation under the Arch Diocese of Cuttack- Bhubaneswar) were also burnt. Five staffs are directly affected by this violence and all of them fled their villages and went into hiding. In a very similar way, at 2 p.m. the house of Mr. Puren Nayak resident of Bhudansahi was attacked and burnt into ashes. All his assets were removed from the house  and were set on fire in a pile.

As the violence continued in the village, mob ransacked the Christian houses burnt all their belongings. The women (Hindu) in the community were identifying the houses to be burnt down as the mob followed their instructions. Women also supplied kerosene to encourage the mob. We will observe that in such incidents of burning and ransacking, the strategy used by the mob is very similar. The household articles  and assets are brought outside the house and are set on fire. This is because under Indian Penal code section 436, the person/persons involved in burning the house are punishable with 7 years+ of rigorous  imprison ment and this falls under the category of a non bailable offence. And when the assets/belonging are brought outside the house and burnt, it's a bailable offense and the punishment is limited to 6  months to one year of imprisonment. This offense falls under IPC 435.

Fr. Challan, Director of Pastoral centre, Kanjamen di and Sr. Meena, administrator of the centre which was burnt and ransacked on 24th escaped from the centre to hide in Mr. Jashawanta Pradhan's house. On 25th , mob having the information about this forcefully entered the house dragging both of them outside. They were beaten up badly and taken to the police fundi (smaller unit of police station) in the area. It is reported that they were tied up in the fundi and were threatened of being burnt alive.

There is no update about their condition since then. Paul Pradhan who heads an NGO in the district and works for the rights of dalits and adivasis was also attacked in his house, office was destroyed  completely. It is also reported that most of the Christian houses in Tikkabali block were attacked and set fire. Numbers are still unknown. One person called Vikram Nayak was cut into pieces at Tiagian under G Udaygiri police station. Other two sustained injuries while no medication facilities have been made available and it is reported that both two persons were died. In Tiangi a village under the same police station limits, houses of Christian families were set on fire and people have fled to jungle. It was reported that the miscreants have been following them and were attacking.

On 25th late night, Sankrakhol Parish church and presbytery were set fire and ransacked, the parish priest Fr. Alexandar Chandi left to the nearest forest and he was saved. It is reported that his most of the assets are set fire and church is completely destroyed.

Fr. Bernard Digal who had gone to visit Fr. Alex andar Chandi was held up in Sankrakhol parish when the mob attacked the church. His Marshal Jeep was set fire. While narrating the incident Fr.Bernard said that when the mob enters the church premise they left to the forest and hid themselves. They were safe but the vehicle was set fire. He walked around 10.K.M to reach one of his relations house. As he was walking the attack ers were use to see him but could not recognise.

On 25th August late night the Convent of St.Joseph's at Sankrakhole was attacked and ransacked. Sisters also left to the forest and have saved their life.

On 25th August 2008, Mr. Abenswar Digal's house is set fire, under Tikabali Police station.

On 25th August 2008, at about 11.00 p.m 23 houses of Gumagarh, under Bisipadsad Police station were attacked and ransacked.

In Raikia, attacks are on as of 11.30 p.m. and the nature of damage is yet to be known. As per the first information report reveals that on 25th August late evening at Raikia 17 Christian houses were ransacked. Most of the house articles and assets were removed from the house and gathered outside and set fire. As per the first hand report the victims identified were Mr. Bijay Parichha, Mr. R.K.Nayak, Mr. Joseph Nayak, Mr. Susant Dal Behera, Mr. Santosh Nayak, Mr. Santun Nayak, Mr. Harihar Das, Mr. Mosesh Nayak, Mr. Prakash Nayak, Mr. Raju Parichha and others.

On 25th August 2008 late night The Ambasadar Vehicle of Mr. Sukant Nayak, Director Shahara (NGO), was set fire.

On 25th August 2008 late night The Office of Karuna (NGO), under Raikia Police station were ransacked.

On 25th afternoon the Pentecostal church at Budamaha, under Raikia Polic station was vandalized and ransacked.

On 25th August 2008, Masadkia church was vandalized and ransacked.

On 25th August 2008, two Pentecostal churches were vandalized and ransacked.

On 25th August 2008, Pisermaha Church, under Raikia Police station was vandalized and ransacked.

On 25th August 2008, Baptist church and R.C Church at Mondakia under Raikia Police station was vandalized and ransacked.

On 25th August 2008, Mdahupanga Church, under Raikia Police station was vandalized and ransacked.

As the violence continues, most of the parish priests and sisters are still not reachable and their conditions are not known. The houses are being burnt in several places in Phulbani, Srasanada, Pobingia, Balliguda and Konjamendi. In Bhubaneswar, the impact of the Bandh was also felt severely by people with most of the office being closed, shops stayed closed as well. Transportation was totally disrupted and tyres were burnt in many places across the city. There were huge rallies by the supporters of VHP and Bajrangdal on the main roads and junctions.

There were also some cases of attacks reported within the city and most of these attacks were on churches and church related institutions. From early morning of 25th onwards violent mobs made several attempts to enter the compound of Catholic Church and Archbishop's house in the city with a view to attack. Policemen deployed at the scene disbursed the mob and stopped them from entering the campus. Angry mob threw stones at the guest house of Archbishop's House, damaging some windows panes.

Another group of fundamentalists entered presbytery in Duburi parish, managed by the SVDs and destroyed and damaged property. Two priests of the said parish Fr. Xavier and Fr. Simon are missing and their where about are yet to be found. Institutions like St. Arnold's School (Kalinga Bihar); NISWASS have suffered some damages while one Baptist Church in Akamra Jila in the city was also damaged.

Situation seems to be very serious and worsening by every hour with violence being intensified. From across the districts, people are trying to flee to the safer places. But nothing seems be safe as of now. The violence can turn more intense as the people return after Swami's cremation. Other events that took place in Rayagada, Gajapati, Koraput and other south Orissa districts left Christians and Christian institutions throughout the state fearful. Father Obed Khura of Sunebeda received three threatening calls. While he approached the Sunebeda OIC, has was refused police protection and was sent back with assurance that the school he runs will not be attacked and was instructed to stay away from the school.

In Muniguda (closer to Tumudibandha, Rayagada district), as the mass was coming to an end two jeep loads of youth from the town entered the compound and started shouting slogans. The police arrived on time and prevented the situation from escalating. Three policemen have been deployed at the gate which has been destroyed. The Church and Convent at Muniguda could not be saved. Around 80 inmates under the leadership of Fr. Pius Ekka and Sr. Marina Chacko have taken refuge in the forest. This happened in spite of the fact that Fr. Marshal Mihir Upasi was constantly in touch with the State Control Office of the Orissa Police and the SP of Rayagada. The mob first torched the police Jeep in Muniguda and then proceeded to the Convent and Church. On the previous day (24 th of August) the mob threatened the Fathers after Sunday Mass. The mob sought out the houses holding Christian families and managed to destroy so me of them. As a consequence allowing refuge to families has placed others at risk.

As the mob moved on from Bhairaguda, 3 km away from Muniguda to seek shelter in a school while raining, the villagers from the Hindu community fed them. This took place at 7.20 pm. Expecting an attack Fr. Manickthan, Bhawanipat na asked for protection, the SP expressed his inability to do anything due to the size of the mob. When Father suggested the SP on announcing curfew in the area and stop the mob's movement, the angry SP retorted saying that Fr. need not give orders to him. Later in the forenoon both the ADM and the SP visited the Church compound and inspected the law and order situation. The Malankara hostel was attacked in Bhawanipatna, not far from the Catholic Church, and many children have been badly hurt.

Missionaries of Charity from Dharmagarh, unaware of the events from the previous night, were travelling to Bhawanipatna for Sunday Mass. Near the jail in Bhawanipatna town their ambulance was intercepted and pelted with stones. All the sisters sustained minor injuries from the stones and broken glass. The police arrived and sent them back in the same damaged vehicle to Dharmagarh. Sr. Suma and Sr. Nirmala have been informed of this and the district administration has assured them of protection.

A group of police are guarding the Church in Jey pore after the threat of oncoming attacks. The police informed Fr. Bimol Nayak that some 200 people are preparing to attack the Church. Fr. Bimol Nayak and another Brother have taken shelter with nearby friends. Around 24 policemen are guarding the church compound in Mohana after road blocks started on Sunday evening. Additionally, a group of 9 police men are safe guarding the Church in Goudogotho and the Cathedral.

It is also reported that the Lutheran Church in  Malkangiri, Padua, and Gunupur were destroyed. Fathers and Sisters along with the children in Gumuda have left the mission stations fearing attacks. On the 24th as the Congregation was coming out of the Church in Malkangiri, a group of angry youth harassed them and forced them to recite Bande Mataram. 22 Christian Families of Shanti Nagar (Givindapur)  at the  foothill of Taptapani Hot Spring were also assaulted and forced to leave the village.

In Boudh also, a group of protestors entered the parish and destroyed things and property. Communal tension was high also in other districts across the state with several incidents of attacks against the people as well as property. In Balasore, Balsore Social Service Society (official social wing of the Balasore diocese) was attacked three times during the day on 25 th august. The mob shouting slogans broke all the window panes and destroyed a statue of Mother Mary which was installed in the BSSS office campus. Badrak also had few incident s of attacks but the details are not known.

Hindu protestors attacked Jyoti Niketan of Baip ariguda in Koraput district in the afternoon of 25th August. Father Joy Areeckal had to run into the forest and the hostel children and his social workers are subjected to insults and intimidation. The Mission has been destroyed along with all that it contained. A sad twist to the story is that the police along with the people seized wooden planks in spite of the fact that the carpenters who are building a new hostel building in the campus there claimed that it was bought by them. Consequently, a criminal case may be filed against Fr. Areeckal under the Forest Act.

Mr. Routo Desinayak and Ms. Kalyani, who works for an agro-entrepreneurship program for SWAD at Boipariguda were also arrested under the forest protection act. Though the Police Officer and the Block Development Officer was not willing, the mob forced the police to tie Mr. Desinayak with a rope and drag him through the street up to the Forest Office. Miss Kalyani being a woman was spared of this ordeal.

In Govindapally, close to Boipariguda, protestors entered the Convent and damaged the grotto of Our Lady and the Cross of the Church yard. In the same district Fathers and Sisters in Koraput, Jeypore and Semiliguda are in hiding. In Bargarh district, a mob of about 2000 people went around ransacking many church institutions and there were serious attacks on priests and nuns. In Padampur, Fr. Edward Sequira was attacked and was beaten up brutally. He survived with serious head injury and still unconscious. "His life is under critical still" said Fr. Alphonse Toppo, Vicar Gerneral of Sambalpur diocese. The institution  which caters to children affected by Leprosy was attacked and burnt. While the institution burnt to ashes, along with it also burnt was the auxiliary nurse Rajani Majhi 20 year old, who took care of the children in the institute and was studying in Padampur Women's College.

Sundargarh also saw many such incidents of church burning and attacks on church properties damages are yet to be ascertained. In Sambalpur district, Hand Maid Sister's residence of Ainthapalli has suffered  damage while priests are given warnings of attacks in Madhupur, Badibahal area. Stone pelting and breaking of window panes of churches and related institutions was a common scene across the state. A  Roman Catholic cemetery was damaged by an irate mob in Sambalpur town. The mob also pelted the stones at the Oriya Baptist Church near G.M College. Burning of motorbike belonging to a pastor Pravakar  Munna, ransacking of a prayer house in Chiplima and attempt to attack a mission institution were also reported.

In continuation to all this violence across the state, Dibyasingh Pariccha, PRO and Secretary, Justice and Peace Commission (Arch diocese of Cuttack Bhubaneswar) has condemned the killing of Swami  Laxmananda Saraswati and appealed for a CBI enquiry into the incident. He requested that culprits responsible for the incident be punished instead of attacking the whole Christian community. He appealed to  the government to deploy adequate forces to safeguard life and property of Christian people.

On 26th August 2008, at bout 11.30 a.m the mob is attacking at Badimunda Village, under Tikabali police station in Kandhamal District. It is reported Roman Catholic Church and 5 individual houses were set fire. It is reported that people are suffering from with out food, cloth and shelter. Last night, there was heavy rain and people were in the forest with the wet cloth. However, the condition of the children and women were indescribable. School child ren are deprived of their studies. Kindly pray for us so that peace and harmony may return soon. Thank you very much for your solidarity.

Dibkar Parichha

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