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Tripura Textbook Debate : Allegations Baseless says Yechury

Photo Credit: Business Standard(cover) and The Quint(inside)

Leader of the opposition in the Kerala Assembly, Ramesh Chennithala, had written to the CPI(M) General Secretary, Sitaram Yechury, pointing out certain media reports that alleged that role played by national leaders like Gandhiji etc were removed from the school text books in Tripura.

Sitaram Yechury, after obtaining a clarification from the Manipur State Committee of the CPI-M on both the media reports and the letter from the leader of the opposition, has refuted all the allegations in the letter and the reports, giving a detailed explanation as well as attaching a copy of the syllabus for Standard IX and X. The letter clarifies the position and exposes the media reports as being baseless.

The Tripura State Government and Minister for Education have responded by releasing a copy of the syllabus for Social Sciences as part of the Secondary Education course as well as a detailed explanation. The syllabus for Standard X includes the National Movement; social reform movements; peasants and workers struggles; the role of Mahatma Gandhi, Indian National Congress, the Non-Cooperation movement, Subhash Chandra Bose and The Indian National Army among others. In addition they also have a section on the North East: history of Assam, The Revolt of 1857 as well as the creation of the Seven Sisters.
The Social Science syllabus for Class IX is effective for this academic year 2015-16 and for Class X for the academic year 2016-17. According to Yechury, an analysis of these two together shows no omissions in Indian history. Moreover, he added how the syllabus for Class IX and X must seen together as part of the preparation for the higher secondary examination.

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