
Two Lakh people form Human Chain to defend “Karnataka for Harmony”

On the day of the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi, January 30, Karnataka witnessed a historic event. More than two lakh people from about 160 districts and talukas across Karnataka formed human chain between 4.00 pm to 4.10 pm. The activists said that they were defending “Karnataka for Harmony”. People belonging to different sections- Human Chain between 4.00 to 4.10 PM to defend “Karnataka for Harmony”.  People from all walks of life – Writers, Artists, Intellectuals, Religious Leaders, Secular Political Leaders, Lawyers, Workers, Peasants, Students, Youth, Women participated in the Human Chain enthusiastically. Various left leaning political parties and secular groups including CPI (M) participated in the human chain in a big way. The chain was a stupendous culmination of a vibrant campaign against communal and fascist forces in Karnataka, particularly triggered by the dastardly killing of Dr. M. M. Kalburgi.

Human Chain
Karnataka for Harmony
“Karnataka for Harmony” was formed after several seminars, protests meetings and cultural jathas. Its founding convention was held at Bangalore which was inaugurated by CPI (M) General Sceretary Com. Sitaram Yechury. Com. Sudhakar Reddy from CPI apart from several other left parties and eminent personalities were present on September 5, 2017 for the occasion. Karnataka for Harmony gave a call for State-wide human chain on January 30.
Killing of Gauri Lankesh
Unfortunately, Gauri Lankesh was killed on the same day. This led to the eruption of people’s anger and galvanized the movement even further. Since then conventions, jathas, preparatory meetings, mass campaigns were held at all (more than 160) locations where Human Chain were held.  A vigorous campaign in the social media with many posters videos depicting – tradition of communal harmony in Karnataka, quotes depicting harmony from writers poets thousand years ago to present, quotes from prominent personalities supporting the Chain – were widely circulated. Many participants in the Human Chain also carried prints of these posters and banners.  
Why was the Campaign urgent?
What added an urgency to the campaign was the intense communal polarization and “Dead body politics” practiced by BJP-Sangh Parivar which has ensured the continued violence in the state. Hence the platform emerged as a united platform for all anti-communal and progressive forces.
The Human Chain
Many prominent personalities were seen supporting the cause of communal harmony and peace on this day. Some of them included writer Devanoor Mahadeva and renowned actor Prakash Rai at Mysore; Dinesh Aminmattu, media advisor to CM at Mangalore; veteran Gandhian H S Doreswamy at Tumkur; writer Prof Chandrashekar Patil, former Supreme Court Judge Gopal Gowda, Kuvempu Bhasha Bharathi, President Dr. K Marulasiddappa, Sahitya Academy President Aravinda Malagatti, former High Court Judge Nagamohan Das, Writer Baraguru Ramachandrappa, Actor Chethan  at Bangalore; Prof. Rajendra Chenni at Shimoga; and Ramanath Rai, a Karnataka State Minister and Congress MLAs  Abhayachandra Jain & Vasantha Bangera  at Dakshina Kannada.  CPI(M) State Leaders participated in various human chains across the State – Com. G V Shriramareddy at Chikkaballapura; Com. VJK Nair, Com G N Nagaraj at Bangalore, Com K R Sriyan at Mangalore.  

The event of formation of the Human chains concluded with well attended meetings and cultural performances. Oaths were taken at all of these places administered by prominent personalities. Nidumamidi Swamiji led the oath at Bangalore. Participants vowed to defend centuries’ old tradition of communal harmony, pluralism in Karnataka from threats of communal and fascist forces. They also vowed to defend the Constitution representing people’s aspirations for Democracy, Secularism, Equality, and Social Justice.

Human Chain

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