Communalism Hate Speech

Uttarakhand: Will Jitendra Narayan Singh Tyagi nee Wasim Rizvi benefit from the FIR against him, or will he be the scapegoat?

Uttarakhand police filed an FIR against Tragi-Rizvi for speaking at the  ‘Dharma Sansad’ that became a platform for Hindutva ‘leaders’ to spew anti-Muslim hate speech and call for communal violence

Jitendra Narayan Singh Tyagi

At the   ‘Dharma Sansad’  which became a Hindutva ‘hate speech’ conclave at Haridwar, that has now made global news for its calls to violence against Muslims lawyer Ashwini Upadhyay of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) had unveiled a “Hindutva” edition of the Constitution saying, “I got a “Bhagwa Samvidhan (Saffron Constitution) in Hindi and want “Gurudev” Yati Narsinghanand Saraswati [to launch it] to come in the front, this is his fight. Come here Wasim Ji… Tyagi ji you also, take photos everyone.”

Now Wasim Rizvi Aka  aka Jitendra Narayan Singh Tyagi has been named in  first information report (FIR) registered by Uttarakhand Police, he and “others” have been charged under Section 153A IPC, (Promoting enmity between different groups on grounds of religion, race, place of birth, residence, language, etc., and doing acts prejudicial to maintenance of harmony).  The Uttarakhand Police made this announcement on its Twitter handle that it had taken “cognizance of the video that had gone viral on social media” which spread “hatred by giving provocative speeches against a particular religion”. The case was registered against Rizvi-Tyagi under Section 153A IPC in Kotwali Haridwar.



The FIR comes a day videos of Hindutva ‘leaders’ spewing anti-Muslim hate and calls for genocide, including Rizvi-Tyagis mentor Yati Narsinghanand asking Hindu youth to become “Prabhakaran” and “Bhindranwale”. According to The Hindu, Ashok Kumar, DGP, said the police had received a complaint and filed an FIR under Section 153A of the IPC (promoting enmity between different groups on grounds of religion) related to the statements made at the recent Dharam Sansad event in Haridwar. The accused named in the FIR, was Wasim Rizvi,  a former chairman of the Uttar Pradesh Central Shia Waqf Board, who had recently “converted to Hinduism.” At the Hindutva conclave he had given a communal speech related to Ayodhya’s Babri Masjid-Ram Temple issue.

Meanwhile,  Narsinghanand had at the same meeting “offered ₹1 crore to Hindu youth for becoming like LTTE leader Prabhakaran” and later, told the YouTube channel that “ Hinduism could not be saved unless every temple had one Prabhakaran, a Bhindranwale and General Shabeg Singh, the two leaders of the Khalistan movement.” His newsly minted ‘star disciple’ Wasim Rizvi, had recently ‘quit’ Islam, and converted to Hinduism. When he was still Wasim Rizvi, he had as a part of his deeply communal and Islamophobic diatribe, published a book titled “Muhammad,” purportedly on the life of the Prophet Mohammed, one of the most revered figures in Islam. At the book launch ceremony, Rizvi was seen in the company of fellow hate offender Yati Narsinghanand, the priest of Dasna Devi temple in Ghaziabad. 

Rizvi now “Jitendra Narayan Singh Tyagi” has earned his first FIR, this can go either way for him. He could well be now on his way as a ‘Hindutva Hero’ and make his Saffron dyed ‘career’ grow or he could be a high profile scapegoat offered so that others may escape police action. It could be a combination of both scenarios too, however the real ‘winner’ here remains the Dasna Devi temple chief priest Narsinghanand, who is yet to be arrested even though multiple complaints have been filed against him for cultivating an ecosystem of hate, with his followers feeling empowered to spew hate with impunity. As soon as he converted, Tyagi-Rizvi began his anti-Islam speeches reffering to the faith as a “terror cult” among othe things. He repeated those words at the ‘Dharma Sansad’ or ‘Religious Parliament’ too. 

Yati Narsinghanand had said “No community will survive without taking up arms. They have good money power, good weapons. You need better weapons than them, forget swords, they look good only on stages. You need to update your weapons. Have more children, get better weapons. We are standing with you. Fight your own fight, save your own women and children. Speakers should not downplay the need for weapons.”



Sadhvi Annapurna aka Pooja Shakun Pandey, general secretary Hindu Mahasabha called for genocide “Be ready to kill and be ready to go to jail. Even if 100 of us are ready to kill 20 lakhs of them (Muslims), then we will be victorious, and go to jail… Like [Nathuram] Godse, I am ready to be maligned, but I will pick up arms to defend my Hindutva from every demon who is a threat to my religion. I will raise swords, to save my Hindu dharma, and rip them with my tigress like nails. If we give a call, it will not be Islamic Bharat, Hindu rashtra will be declared”

It is not yet known if they too have been named in the FIR



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Carry swords to protect cows: Sadhvi Saraswati 

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