Far too many facts pertaining to the Orlando massacre by Omar Mateen raise serious questions about the ghastly killing of American citizens as a False Flag opertion of the FBI. The fact that the gory incident came within days days of the death of Mohammed Ali, whose passing away had re-awakened American and global interest in the Islam he lived also raises questions of whether the spectacular terror act was aimed at burying, along with him the idea of a principled and non-violent Islam. 14 Questions FBI Must Answer.
Two Faces: The late Mohammed Ali, 'The Greatest' (left) and Omar Mateen
If the FBI, America’s extremely powerful military-security-surveillance complex and the corporate media are to be believed, the Orlando massacre was the gruesome handiwork of Omar Mateen – a “gay-hating Muslim fanatic”, a “homegrown, radicalised lone-wolf” – who single-handedly slaughtered 50 people and injured as many in a killing spree at the Pulse bar on a night dedicated to the Gay Latino community. The massacre, we are told, lasted three hours before the Special Weapons and Tactics Team (SWAT) finally brought down the mass murderer.
However, eyewitness statements, several news reports and video clips of the gory incident raise serious questions that suggest yet another False Flag operation. Here below are facts which have surfaced in the aftermath of the massacre which the FBI must address:
- Mateen himself was a gay. This discredits the narrative of the massacre as a homophobic hate-crime. Why is the FBI desperately trying to suppress this fact?
- Mateen’s links to radical Islamists – Moner Abu Salha, the first American suicide bomber in Syria – are being downplayed by the FBI as “minimal.” Why?
- Mateen had links with Islamist preachers Abu Taha Marcus Dwayne Robertson and the blind cleric Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, both of whom have been terror operatives with proven links to the CIA? How could the FBI be unaware of this fact?
- What about Mateen’s links to FBI handlers for a period of 10 months during 2013? The statement of Florida’s St. Lucie county’s Sheriff Ken Mascara alleges that the FBI had dispatched an informant to "lure Omar into some kind of act and Omar did not bite". Is this not a clear indictment of the FBI and it’s fatal policy of entrapment to commit acts of terror.
- The all-powerful G4S security agency has named a psychiatrist who had conducted a psychological evaluation to certify Mateen’s fitness for a job with the agency. But the psychiatrist claims she never saw Mateen and that she was not even living in Florida at the time the test is claimed to have been conducted. Why is the G4S lying?
- Why are the FBI’s version and the timeline of the terror attack on Pulse bar put out by the corporate media so incoherent and misleading? An off-duty cop along with other officers had confronted the heavily armed Mateen who started shooting outside the Pulse Bar before going inside? Why was he not followed into the bar by the armed cops? Why is there no mention of the Pulse bar’s own security? How is it that no CCTV cameras were operational?
- The 3-hour delayed response of the SWAT Team needs to be explained by the authorities. Why did the police and the SWAT team fail to follow the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), which states that they have to intervene and enter the premises if the shooting is underway?
- Mateen purchased the guns from a gun store owned by Ed Henson, a former NYPD Officer. Another gun store owner Robert Apell affirms that he had alerted FBI to a 'suspicious' customer on a shopping spree weeks before the Orlando shooting. Why did the FBI not act on the information?
- Eye-witnesses are on record saying that there were anywhere between 2-5 shooters, that Mateen was not the lone shooter. Who were the other shooters and where are they? Why is this key evidence being suppressed?
- Why doesn’t the shooting math add up? FBI states that only 202 rounds were fired. Why are experts challenging the supposed facts?
- James Wesley Howell, who himself was to attack a Gay Pride Rally in Santa Monica on that very day in a parallel operation told the local police that both Mateen and he were trained by the CIA in Virginia. Is it true that Mateen was part of a hit-squad team for Orlando and who was supposed to get away alive?
- Is it true that Wackenhut – the world’s largest private security corporation, with whom Mateen was employed for a period – is a front for the CIA and has an extremely dubious track record
- The FBI has a known record of creating terror, entrapment and manufacturing terrorists and masterminding false flag terror operations. Was the Orlando massacre part of this ugly past of the FBI?
Each of these questions are examined in detail below.
Omar Mateen in his NYPD T-Shirts (New York Police Department)
Mateen himself was a Gay
That Omar was himself gay was stated by his former wife Sitora Yusufiy who was married to Mateen in 2009 for three months. She made this disclosure on Brazilian television station SBT Brazil, as reported by the New York Post. Her fiancé, Marco Dias, speaking in Portuguese on her behalf, said Yusufiy believed that Mateen had “gay tendencies” and that his father had called him gay in front of her. Dias also claimed “the FBI asked her not to tell this to the American media.”
In a news report under the headline, ‘Ex-wife’s bomb shell claim: club shooter was gay’, the New York Post revealed:
The former classmate said he would hang out with Mateen, hitting gay bars after attending class at Indian River Community College police academy in 2006 — and one time Mateen asked him out “romantically,” according to the Palm Beach Post.
“We went to a few gay bars with him, and I was not out at the time, so I declined his offer,” the former classmate told the paper.
The classmate’s claims came after reports emerged that Mateen frequented the club for years before Sunday’s massacre.
Callen’s husband, Ty Smith, recalled seeing a drunk Mateen being escorted from the club. “Sometimes he . . . would get so drunk he was loud and belligerent,” he told the Orlando Sentinel.
At least four Pulse clubgoers remembered seeing Mateen at least a dozen times in the past. But authorities said they had no further information when asked about the sightings on Monday.
Callen and Smith shot down claims that Mateen had snapped after seeing two men kissing each other in public. “That’s bullcrap, right there. No offense. That’s straight-up crap. He’s been around us,” Smith said. “Some of those people did a little more than (kiss) outside the bar … He was partying with the people who supposedly drove him to do this?”
Kevin West, another regular at Pulse, told the Los Angeles Times that Mateen used gay dating apps on a regular basis and even messaged him on a gay dating app, Jack’d. He even saw Mateen an hour before the shooting, which is again a remarkable fact, not being reported by the MSM.
Mateen’s ties with a terrorist
Moner Abu Salha, the first US suicide-bomber in Syria with whom Omar Mateen is recorded to have contacts.
Omar’s links to radical Islamists have been downplayed by both the FBI as “minimal”, as well as by his employer G4S-Wackenhut, the world’s largest private security firm, linked closely to the CIA.
In the aftermath of the attack, authorities are trying to ascertain how it’s possible that Mateen cleared four background checks, two with the company and two with the FBI, without raising sufficient alarm.
Former superior court judge from New Jersey, Napolitano stated that Mateen qualified for the highest level of weaponry that one can qualify for in Florida, calling this an "extraordinary breakdown" within the G4S security system, in the background checks required for someone in his position.
The FBI in 2014 investigated a potential connection between Mateen and Moner Mohammad Abu-Salha – the first American suicide-bomber in Syria who blew himself up killing government soldiers in 2014 –, according to an NBC report.
Omar and Salha were also reported to have met up at parties according to a former classmate who wishes to remain anonymous. This further proves that the interaction between the two was a red flag which should have been heeded, which again the FBI seems to have missed out.Or then did they? Were the FBI just allowing another one of their terror entrapment programmes to play out to its logical conclusion?
Mateen’s links to Salha were well-known, yet the FBI brushed this connection off as being “minimal.”
The common link between the radicalisation of both Salha and Mateen is Anwar al-Awlaki. Both are said to have heard the cleric’s fiery sermons, which finally led them to commit the acts of terror.
In his article, ‘I Reported Omar Mateen To The FBI; Trump Is Wrong That Muslims Don’t Do Our Part’, Muhammad A Malik, also reaffirms the point that both Moner and Mateen were radicalised by the Awlaki tapes.
Anwar al-Awlaki – the radical spiritual leader linked to several 9/11 attackers, the Fort Hood shooting, and the attempted Christmas Day bombing of an airliner – was a guest at the Pentagon in the months after 9/11, a Pentagon official confirmed to CBS News.
Awlaki was invited as "…part of an informal outreach program" in which officials sought contact "…with leading members of the Muslim community," the official said. At that time, Awlaki was widely viewed as a "moderate" imam at a mosque in Northern Virginia.
In this important video, Lt. Col Anthony Shaffer a retired US army reserve lieutenant colonel who gained fame for his claims about mishandled intelligence before the September 11 attacks and for the censoring of his book, Operation Dark Heart, goes on to reveal that Anwar al-Awlaki was an FBI asset.
Mateen’s radical Islamist preachers
Cleric Abu-Taha Robertson & Blind Cleric Omar Abdel-Rehman, both linked to the FBI-CIA and the World Trade Centre Bombing of 1993
Mateen was a follower of cleric Abu-Taha (Marcus Dwayne Robertson), a former US Marine who acted as a bodyguard for the “Blind Sheikh” Omar Abdel-Rahman. Robertson was the imam of the Orlando-based ‘Fundamental Islamic Knowledge Seminary’, where Mateen had enrolled online.
In addition to working with the CIA, Robertson was an FBI informant for 15 years. He is linked to the blind cleric Sheikh Abdel Omar Rahman, al-Qaeda and the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993.
One of the main operatives the CIA had utilized in its war against the Soviets was Sheikh Abdel Omar Rahman. The CIA utilized Rahman because of his influence over the Mujahadeen then brought him into the US on a CIA-sponsored visa.
To the CIA, which pumped more than $2 billion into the fourteen-year Afghani resistance effort, Sheikh Omar was what intelligence officials call "a valuable asset”.
According to the UC website, www.constitution.org:
One of the main operatives the CIA had utilized in its war against the Soviets was Omar Rahman. The CIA utilized Rahman because of his influence over the Mujahadeen, then brought him into the US on a CIA-sponsored visa. While the Sheikh was eventually convicted for conspiracy to bomb targets in the US, prosecutors encountered resistance in pursuing him and other World Trade Center bombing suspects because of their ties to the Mujahadeen, and their ties to US intelligence.
Following the Orlando massacre Abu-Taha Robertson and several associates have been rounded up for questioning, according to law enforcement sources. Robertson’s school may not have been the only source of Mateen’s spiritual guidance. Mateen was at the Islamic Center of Fort Pierce with Imam ShafiqRahman two days before the nightclub attack, according to The Washington Post. That mosque was frequented by American-born Al-Nusra (Al-Qaeda of Syria) suicide-bomber Salha who blew himself up in Syria in 2014 and the two knew each other, according to officials. Mateen’s association with Salha led the FBI to interview him in 2014. Rep. Michael McCaul, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee Mike McCaul told Fox News law enforcement determined at the time their contact “was minimal.”
In his brilliant and path-breaking book, Visas for Al Qaeda – CIA Handouts that Rocked the World – An Insider’s View, J Michael Springmann documents the role of the CIA in the creation of the Arab-Afghan Legion, that later transmogrified from the Mujahedeen into the Al Qaeda and from there to the ISIS of our present times.
Conclusion: Omar Mateen was no Lone-Wolf. It is clear that he was in contact and thus in all probability been influenced by radical Islamists, closely associated with the FBI and the CIA and thus set up as the patsy, the fall-guy who finally takes the blame, all in connivance with the G4S.
Mateen and his FBI handlers:
Here are some excerpts:
While self-styled terror experts and former counter-terror officials have criticized the FBI for failing to stop Mateen before he committed a massacre, the new revelation raises the question of whether the FBI played a role in shifting his mindset toward an act of violence. All that is known at present is that an FBI informant attempted to push Mateen into agreeing to stage a terror attack in hopes that he would fall into the law enforcement dragnet.
Trevor Aaronson, a journalist and author of, Terror Factory: Inside the FBI’s Manufactured War on Terror, revealed that nearly half of terror cases between 9/11 (2001) and 2010 involved informants – many of whom were themselves criminals raking in as much as $100,000 from the FBI. “Is it possible that the FBI is creating the very enemy we fear?” Aaronson wondered.
The revelations of FBI manipulation cast Mateen’s case in a uniquely troubling light. Though he refused to “bite” when an FBI asset attempted to push him into a manufactured plot, he wound up carrying out a real act of spectacular brutality, and allegedly swore loyalty to ISIS in the midst of it.
Now the question is whether the FBI was right to pursue Mateen before he could kill, or whether it played an influencing role in shaping his attitude towards politically-motivated violence.
Tony Cartalucci in his incisive article, 'CONFIRMED: FBI Introduced Florida Shooter to ‘Informants’, further brings out the connections between Omar Mateen and his FBI handlers:
The article also refers to the other cases of entrapment wherein James Medina, a homeless man with mental problems, and 23-year-old Cuban-American Harlem Suarez both believed that they were working for the ISIS in a make believe world created by the FBI.
Why is the G4S lying?

Omar Mateen’s Wackenhut ID-Card
The G4S claims that Mateen had cleared all the medical and psych-evaluation tests conducted before being hired. But in an another intriguing development, Dr. Carol Nudelman who is said to have certified Mateen claims that the tests were not conducted by her, she has never met Mateen and was not even in Florida during that period. The psych certification clears the employee concerned to bear arms and thus this report is crucial to the mounting evidence against the G4S and its history of dubious dealings.
Following the denial by Dr Nudelman, G4S has retracted its statement, claiming a “clerical error” and that another psychiatrist had conducted the psych-evaluation. The name of the “other psychiatrist” has still not been made public.
Why is the G4S lying?
Furthermore, the G4S hired him even though Mateen’s job applications had been rejected by two police departments.
Why the conflicting versions from FBI, corporate media?

The Pulse Bar, the Entrance on the left as a narrow door & passage, the Dance Floor in the middle, the Patio in the front and the Rest Rooms at the back.
The timeline as offered by the New York Times is very sketchy at best and is certainly misleading.
The timeline which mentions Mateen’s entry into the Pulse at 2.02 am has very little information about the 3 crucial hours leading to the final assault by the SWAT Team at 5.00 am.
The official narrative states that Mateen was apprehended by Adam Gruler, an off-duty security officer (with a dubious past of police violence against civilians), a gun-fight broke out, soon supported by “additional officers”, Mateen entered the Pulse and then started shooting killing 50 and injuring as many.
Adam Gruler, the off-duty cop who was supposedly on scene looking for a patron with a fake ID and is being promoted as a hero, was exposed by Copwatch 2011 as a violent policeman.
This weak narrative of the off-duty cop and the other officers who apprehended Mateen must be challenged for the following reasons:
It fails to describe the battle with an off-duty police officer and the other officers who on hearing the gunshots came to the aid of Gruler, even as Mateen entered the bar and began to shoot away as per the official version.
According to CNN, an off-duty police officer who was at the Pulse nightclub “engaged the shooter as he entered the club”.
Engaged? As he entered the club? A gunfight, where none were injured or killed? What precisely transpired?
Why didn’t Gruler and the other cops follow Mateen and enter Pulse even as they supposedly were shooting at Mateen?
Not a single mention about the private security guards and bouncers that all bars have at their entrance and inside to deal with unruly violent customers – where were/are they?
Where were the CCTV cameras?
One report stated that the CCTV cameras were under maintenance and thus non-functional. In fact all of the mainstream media reports have refrained from even mentioning the CCTV cameras. It is for this reason that we have no footage at all from within the Pulse, or from its external area in the car-park. How very convenient!
3-hour delayed response of SWAT Team
"This was a catastrophic failure on police SWAT tactics," charged Chris Grollnek, who served on a SWAT team in McKinney, Tx., for seven years and now runs a company training civilians and law enforcement to prevent and respond to active shooter incidents.
Grollnek heaped criticism on the Orlando SWAT team commander for waiting to breach the Pulse nightclub after gunman Omar Mateen stormed in at about around 2 a.m. Sunday, slaughtering 49 people and wounding 53 others — the deadliest mass shooting in the nation's history and the worst terror attack on American soil since 9/11.
Cops were on the scene in less than two minutes but it wasn't until 5 am that 11 SWAT members entered the club and fatally shot Mateen, said police chief John Mina and Grollnek, who spoke with law enforcement officers familiar with the investigation.
Asked if he had any doubt the delay between arrival at the scene and breaching the club cost lives, Grollnek responded tersely, "None."
Grollnek also “reserved his anger for the police commanders in Florida who didn’t allow the SWAT team members to enter until several hours after the shooter began the attack”.
FBI was alerted about 'suspicious' customer?

Mateen purchased his guns prior from a Gun Shop St. Lucie Shooting Center owned by a retired NYPD Officer Ed Henson, prior to the terror attack on the Pulse Bar. The shop has been closed till further notice.
Ed Henson, a retired NYPD detective is known to be very Islamophobic. Henson is reported to supply weapons to the police department. Was Ed Henson a “Patsy-Minder”, providing services for the FBI in lieu of lucrative offers?
The New York Daily News reported that the store’s owner, Ed Henson, an ex-NYPD officer, had posted on Facebook in December a meme that said, “F— Islam, F— Allah. F— Muhammad.F— the Koran. F— people who support terrorism,” as well as a comment in November calling for Obama to be “handcuffed, removed from Office and charged with Treason and then publicly executed!” “How can the American People and military stand by and do nothing while this piece of sh– puts everyone of us in danger.”
Ed Henson does not appear to be a person who would be very happy selling guns to Muslims… But would he not if it was meant to lead to a false flag and thus further his political agenda?
Apparently, Robert Abell the owner of Lotus Gunworks had a greater sense of responsibility than former NYPD detective Ed Henson. Mateen wanted to purchase body armour that raised suspicion. Abell refused after which Mateen inquired about bulk purchase of ammunition, on which again he was cross-questioned. Omar made a call, spoke in a foreign language and left, after which Abell contacted the FBI and reported the matter. But the FBI took no serious notice of the incident and never visited the store or investigated further.
Clearly the FBI is far more efficient in the Hollywood TV serials!
Ed Henson’s role in the supply of weapons to terror patsies and criminals linked to the FBI should be investigated.
Eye-witnesses claimed there were 2-5 shooters
A victim of Sunday’s early morning terror attack at the Pulse nightclub gave a bombshell interview to an ABC reporter after being released from a local hospital.
“Everybody dropped to the floor. We were trying to look for an exit. But the main exit was right next to the entrance where the shooter was shooting,’’ he said.
“In a moment of desperation we were all crawling on the floor trying to find a place to exit. I looked to my right and I could see people going through some curtains. We were digging through the curtains and found a door.’’
But he said the door was blocked by a man. He wasn’t sure if it was a club security person or an accomplice to the gunmen.
“Fifty people were trying to jump over each other trying to exit the place. There was a guy holding the door and not letting us exit. He’s like ‘Stay inside, stay inside.’ As he is saying that, the shooter keeps getting closer and closer and the sound of the bullets is getting closer. Everyone starts to panic. People are getting trampled. Let us out, let us out!’’’
Gonzalez’ first thought was that it was a hate crime. “This guy is trying to prevent us from leaving. Maybe they’re working together,’’ he said.
An audio clip of the Orlando terror attack reveals two or more guns firing simultaneously. Additionally witnesses said that "they" are shooting
Yet another eyewitness to the attack, who was inside the nightclub when it happened, was giving his testimony on the attack, after being trapped inside the club, live on-air, to a mainstream news source when he was abruptly cut off after providing a crucial detail. The eyewitness said that during the attack “there was a guy there that was trying to […] hold the door closed so that we couldn’t exit,” as pointed out by an investigative reporter on YouTube.
In yet another clip we see ‘crisis actors’ carrying an “injured person” then let him stand as they get past the cameras and then talk to each other after a job well done. Astounding!
Conclusion: Evidently there are multiple eye-witness reports stating that there were two or more shooters. Clearly this was not the job of a single shooter. The fact that both the FBI and the corporate media are suppressing these obvious facts further points to the Orlando incident being a false flag terror attack, where Mateen was the fall-guy, while there were other far more professional shooters, who were allowed to slip away in the general mayhem and confusion once the job was done.
Mateen’s phone calls claiming allegiance to ISIS
As per the official narrative Mateen was shooting away with his AR-15 Assault Rifle, even as he found time to change magazines plus make telephone calls to 911 and certain news outlets ostensibly to reveal his identity and his links to the ISIS. Says, Robert David Steele (former FBI/CIA Contractor), “The tape pledging allegiance to ISIS is patsy perfect.”
How the shooting math add up
“There is a 0% chance that only 202 rounds were fired in Pulse,” says Mike Cernovich – a popular non-fiction writer and a licensed attorney whose legal writing has been cited in federal court opinions and academic journals – as he deconstructs the shooting episode and posits certain key facts and questions. He affirms that the shooting and the murderous mayhem that followed cannot be explained on the basis of one shooter and asserts that there were more.
“Again, do the math. The media is saying that 202 rounds were fired in total. This includes all shots fired. We know the shooter fired rounds before going into Pulse and also fired rounds into the ceiling. There has never been a mass shooting where only 1.5 rounds took out one person.”
“As I explained in Part 1 of this series, here is what I need to see:
- Firearms used by shooter
- Each magazine used
- Casualty count (102)
- Ballistic report from each victim (how many rounds are in each victim)
- Pictures of entire structure with bullet holes counted
Cernovich also states that according to his sources the second shooter could be at the Orlando Hospital which was under lockdown and off-limits.
15 Jun
Mike Cernovich @Cernovich
A source tells me that the hospital treating #OrlandoShootingvictims is under 24/7 surveillance. Second shooter may also be a patient.
Denny Hodge @_the_mad_1
@Cernovich There has to be something to that. When AC was on last night, the actual ER audio mentioned the shooter being there/lockdown.
3:22 AM – 15 Jun 2016
A parallel second terror operation planned for the same day?

Howell stated that he had been recruited by the CIA through the online fundamental Islamic Knowledge Seminary course where he got to know Mateen. Both were then trained in Virginia by the CIA to shoot and make bombs and carry out simultaneous operations in Orlando and Santa Monica.
Two differing and contradictory versions have emerged from within the Santa Monica police department (SMDT). The first version as per the LA Times, quoting Santa Monica police chief Jacqueline Seabrooks was that Howell had been caught and arrested with explosives and that his interrogation revealed he was to harm the Gay Pride parade.
But after the FBI tookover the case, the SMDT version soon changed to say that they were unaware of the suspects intentions.
The following are excerpts of a the article by Danny Quest on June 15, which provide details of two-CIA trained hit-squads and the subsequent cover-up underway.
According to two department sources, Howell called the Santa Monica police on Sunday morning claiming that he needed protection from the CIA. Howell further elaborated to the dispatcher stating that he “had been set up by the CIA – they are going to kill me.”
According to Howell, he was in LA to meet with another person in a collaborated attack on the gay communities in both Florida and Los Angeles.
Howell additionally stated that, “everything has gone south. Dan was gone when I got here. They killed the leader of the Florida attack this morning. They are going to kill me. I need protection.”
According to sources within the police department’s investigation Howell indicated to officers who first made contact with him that Howell claimed he was one of five people involved in a planned Sunday attack on both the east and west coasts.
Howell stated that he was supposed to “hook up” late Saturday night with his contact in LA who was supposed to have more weapons and chemicals to mix with the Tannerite he was in possession of.
When I got here, Dan was gone. I went to his apartment and he had cleared out… I tried calling him but he never answered me,” said Howell.
Speaking of the suspect killed in the Pulse Bar massacre in Florida, Howell stated, “Omar was not supposed to be killed. They lied to us – Omar and Brandy were supposed to get away.”
When Howell was questioned about how he and his conspirators knew each other, he said that, “We were all familiar with each other through an online fundamental Islamic knowledge seminary course[1] – we were recruited through the course and trained together at a camp in Virginia – we were taught how to shoot and make bombs – everyone knew their part – something went wrong….”
Before the officers could further question Howell, agents working for the Los Angeles office of the FBI quickly swept in and took over the case. Santa Monica detectives were never allowed to talk with Howell.
Finding his contact missing when he got to LA and having heard that Omar Matteen had been killed by an FBI SWAT team in Orlando, Howell determined he had been double crossed by the CIA and feared for his own life
However, in absence of further information and or anyone who will officially go on record, there is no doubt that the American public is not being told the truth about the Orlando, Florida shooting and the arrest of Howell on Sunday.
It is a shame that the Fed’s got to the Santa Monica police chief on Sunday before she was silenced, however we are very thankful that at least two officers have risked their jobs and freedom to reveal what she would of most likely Tweeted had the Fed’s not got to her.
Would you like to make odds that it was just a “coincidence”, as the mainstream media reports, that Howell armed to the teeth with assault rifles and explosives, was on his way to a gay pride parade the same day as the massacre in Florida?
Wackenhut's dubious track record
"It is known throughout the industry," said retired FBI special agent William Hinshaw, "that if you want a dirty job done, call Wackenhut."
Phillip Agee, the left-wing former CIA agent who wrote an expose’ of the agency in 1975, said, "I don’t have the slightest doubt that the CIA and Wackenhut overlap."

"For years Wackenhut has been involved with the CIA and other intelligence organizations, including the DEA," he told SPY. "Wackenhut would allow the CIA to occupy positions within the company in order to carry out clandestine operations."
Wackenhut maintains an especially close relationship with the US federal government in other ways as well. While early boards of directors included such prominent personalities of the political right as captain Eddie Rickenbacker; general Mark Clark and Ralph E. Davis, a John Birch Society leader, current and recent members of the board have included much of the country’s recent national-security directorate: former FBI director Clarence Kelley, former CIA deputy director Frank Carlucci, former defense intelligence agency director general Joseph Carroll, former US Secret Service director James J. Rowley, former marine commandant PX Kelley, acting chairman of President Bush’s foreign-intelligence advisory board and former CIA deputy director admiral Bobby Ray Inman. Before his appointment as Reagan’s CIA director, the late William Casey was Wackenhut’s outside legal counsel.
Conclusion: Can there be any doubt that Wackenhut operates as a front of the CIA?
The company has 30,000 armed employees on its payroll. Source Watch wanted to know more about this special relationship; but the government was not forthcoming. Repeated requests to the Department of Energy for an explanation of how one company got the security contracts for nearly all of America’s most strategic installations have gone unanswered.
Here is a detailed report on various human rights violations, corruption and management failures documented by the Jewish Voice for Peace.
G4S is a British multinational corporation that has grown to be the largest security company in the world. The company operates in120 counties, and employs more than 50,000 employees in the U.S. It provides a broad array of security services to government, corporate, and industrial clients. G4S has been plagued by scandals and negative media coverage linked to violations of human rights, ripping off taxpayers, and gross mismanagement. As a result, the company has come under sharp criticism from Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International.
Examples of high profile G4S problems include:
- G4S Involvement Israeli Prisons and Check Points
- Critical Failures in Employee Screening, very relevant in the case of Omar Mateen
- Gross Mismanagement of Florida Youth Detention Centers
- G4S Contracts in Israel and the Palestinian Occupied Territories. Who Profits, a research project of the Coalition of Women for Peace, has done extensive research on G4S and its role in supporting Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine. (WeDivest.org website)
- Palestinian legislators and human rights activists held in G4S equipped prisons. Many Palestinians have been jailed in G4S equipped prisons for engaging in non-violent protests.
- Damning reports of the private prisons and juvenile homes in the US being managed by G4S, with detailed reports of sexual abuse to torture.
- G4S security subsidiary overbilling Miami taxpayers
- G4S overcharging UK government
Conclusion: Wackenhut today is the third largest employer in the world after Walmart (USA) and Foxconn (Taiwan) employing more than 650,000 people across the globe. It provides services ranging from security guards at housing complexes, embassies, airports and nuclear plants. Wackenhut is clearly aligned with the global-military-industrial-security-surveillance-complex. In the age of the privatization of security and surveillance, Wackenhut has gained enormous profits and power, is all pervasive and has grown into a gargantuan lethal Frankenstein.
FBI’s dubious record in masterminding false flag terror operations
The FBI setting up a patsy, providing him with a suicide-bombing vest
In this popular video, “The FBI Creates, Then ‘Foils’ Terror Plots – False Flags Exposed”, Judge Napolitano goes on to expose the FBI and its false flag terror operations.
In his brilliant article in the New York Times published in April 2012, David Shipler makes a strong case to expose the strategy whereby the FBI are manufacturing terror plots and entrapping ordinary citizens:
Thomas Fuentes, the former FBI assistant director goes on to explain the economics that perpetuates the cycle of national security budgets and the strategy of false flag terror operations.
Mueller and Stewart contend that the “ghost chase” occupying American law and enforcement agencies and fuelling federal spending persists because the public has been led to believe that the terrorism threat is significant. As they show, it is not as significant threat – certainly not large enough to justify the vast security state apparatus that has emerged to combat it.
The chance that an American will be killed by a terrorist domestically any given year is about one in 4 million. Yet despite the statistically low risk and the extraordinary amount of resources put towards combating threats, Americans still worry and the government still spends billions.
Until the true threat of terror is understood, Mueller and Stewart argue that the country cannot begin to confront whether our pursuit of ghosts is worth the cost.
(John Mueller is a senior research scientist and Wood Hayes Chair Emeritus at the Ohio University. He is the author of 18 books, including “Overblown: How Politicians and the Terrorism Industry Inflate National Security Threats and Why We Believe Them (Free Press, 2006). Mark Stewart is director of the Centre for Infrastructure Performance and Reliability at the University of Newcastle in Australia. He has more than 25 years of experience in probabilistic and vulnerability assessment of infrastructure and security systems.)
In conclusion
Muhammad Ali was once again the hero of a new generation of Muslims and secular liberals across the world. All this made it possible for American Muslims to stand up with a degree of pride and self-respect, in being both good Muslims and Americans – with Muhammad Ali being the role model!
All of a sudden it was chic and cool to be an American Muslim!
But the Orlando False Flag terror attack has ensured that the gains of the last few days have once again been sadly reversed, with the possibilities of dire consequences which cannot be understated.
Thus it is being widely discussed that one of the key reasons for the Orlando False Flag was to counter the gains that the American Muslim community made due to the positive discussions that emerged around the passing away of the Great Muhammad Ali. There are many vested interests both within America and the global level who wish to see the state of affairs carry along the path of divisions, intolerance, hatreds, of more violence, wars and suffering.
In the aftermath of the Orlando terror attack, leading American Muslims had issued a statement on June 13. Excerpt:
We, as American Muslims, follow the openhearted and inclusive Islam of Muhammad Ali and completely reject the hatred, provincialism, and intolerance of those who trample upon the rights of others, besmirching and defiling the name of Islam. The criminal who took the lives of dozens of patrons of the Orlando nightclub and injured many others was an aggressor, plain and simple.
The politics of false flag terrorism, whereby the national security agencies, in close coordination with private security corporations, justify their ever-expanding budgets by planning and orchestrating terror attacks has now been well documented and proven beyond doubt. There have been many whistleblowers from within the security system that have courageously stepped forward to expose the rot and the corruption that lies within the corridors of power. They have exposed the evil designs of the ruling elite who play with the ordinary lives of billions of people across the world.
In the course of the last two decades, the slogan ‘War against Terror’ has only led to a cycle of even more wars and more terror, with suffering caused to millions of dead and even millions more who are seeking refuge to escape their war-torn nations. The world has not witnessed a tragedy on this scale since the dark days of WWII, unfolding before our very eyes.
Even as the world hurtles towards a precipice, more people across the world than ever before are aware of the nefarious plots of the globalist cabal and the challenges that confront us. But how do we resist and expose this gargantuan monster is the question.
The answer lies in reaching out to each other as human beings, across religions and cultures, across nations, sharing information and insights, speaking out with courage, asking questions, seeking answers – where there are none. Yet, stating the truth with a belief in our individual conscience, in the ‘still small voice’ that Mahatma Gandhi referred to in times of great distress, a belief in our collective humanity and the common destiny that awaits us all.