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This is What Modi Meant When he Spoke About Muslims

What does Modi mean when he quotes Deen Dayal Upadhyay to say 'treat Muslims as your own' and 'refine' them?

The following quotes from Deen Dayal Upadhyaya make it clear Modi means, as Deen Dayal did did, Hinduise Muslims, annihilate Pakistan, create an Undivided Hindu India.

For Deen Dayal Indian nationalism is nothing but Hindu nationalism, and Indian culture, Hindu culture, and Muslims must either become Hindu or be evicted.

Shame on those media houses which, instead of tracing this trail, made adulatory headlines out of Modi's so called Muslim outreach and announced that BJP is at last maturing as a national party!

“अखंड भारत के मार्ग में सबसे बड़ी बाधा मुसलिम संप्रदाय की पृथकतावादी एवं अराष्ट्रीय मनोवृत्ति रही है। पाकिस्तान की सृष्टि उस मनोवृत्ति की विजय है। अखंड भारत के संबंध में शंकाशील यह मानकर चलते हैं कि मुसलमान अपनी नीति में परिवर्तन नहीं करेगा। यदि उनकी धारणा सत्य है तो फिर भारत में चार करोड़ मुसलमानों को बनाए रखना राष्ट्रहित के लिए बड़ा संकट होगा। क्या कोई कांग्रेसी यह कहेगा कि मुसलमानों को भारत से खदेड़ दिया जाए? यदि नहीं तो उन्हें भारतीय जीवन के साथ समरस करना होगा। यदि भौगोलिक दृष्टि से खंडित भारत में यह अनुभूति संभव है तो शेष भू-भाग को मिलते देर नहीं लगेगी।…

“किंतु मुसलमानों को भारतीय बनाने के अलावा हमें अपनी तीस साल पुरानी नीति बदलनी पड़ेगी। कांग्रेस ने हिंदू मुसलिम एक्य के प्रयत्न गलत आधार पर किए।…

“यदि हम एकता चाहते हैं तो भारतीय राष्ट्रीयता जो हिंदू राष्ट्रीयता है तथा भारतीय संस्कृति जो हिंदू संस्कृति है उसका दर्शन करें।.. – – दीनदयाल उपाध्याय
(पांचजन्य, अगस्त 24, 1953) 

Deen Dayal Upadhyay, in the Panchjanya dated August 24, 1953 wrote a piece on Undivided India.
There, Deen Dayal declared that
 "The separatist and anti-national attitude of the Muslim community is the greatest obstruction to Akhand Bharat. The creation of Pakistan is the triumph of this attitude. Those who have doubts about Akhand Bharat feel that the Muslim will not change his policy. If this is so, then the continuance of six crore Muslims in India would be highly detrimental to the interest of India. Would any Congressman say that Muslims should be driven out of India ? If not, then they will have to be assimilated into the national life of this country. If this assimilation is possible (of Muslims) within geographically divided India then it wont take long for the rest of the geographical territory to assimilate with India. But apart from making Muslims Indian, we must also change the 30-year old policy of Hindu Muslim unity, which Congress adopted on a wrong basis…. If we want unity, we must display Indian nationalism which is Hindu nationalism, and Indian culture which is Hindu culture. We must adopt it as our guiding principle."

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