Where is Najeeb Ahmad demands Kejriwal, Slams Modi Govt

Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Thursday visited Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) and slammed the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) over missing student Najeeb Ahmed, who continues to remain untraced for nearly 20 days. Political leaders Shashi Tharoor and Mani Shankar Aiyer were also present

Before visited JNU, Arvind Kejriwal posted a tweet asking ‘where is Najeeb Ahmad?’. “Going to JNU. Najeeb missing for many days now. Where is he?” tweeted Arvind Kejriwal before heading towards JNU.

Speaking at a function for missing student Najeeb Ahmad at JNU, Arvind Kejriwal took on Bharatiya Janata Party for dividing people on religious lines. Arvind Kejriwal also lashed out at Delhi Police for not questioning ABVP members who were allegedly responsible for the mysterious disappearance of JNU student Najeeb Ahmad. Kejriwal said the ruling party
brand you as ‘anti-national’ when you speak against right-wing outfits like RSS and ABVP.

“Ye BJP wale kisi Hindu ke nahi hain, ye apne baap ke bhi nahi hain (The BJP is not even working for Hindus. They don’t belong to even their fathers),” said Arvind Kejriwal at JNU. “Police never quizzed ABVP workers regarding the disappearance of Najeeb Ahmad. If you speak up against RSS, ABVP, they will call you ‘anti-national'” Kejriwal added. (ALSO

About 150-200 students have gathered at the administrative block inside the JNU campus and voiced their concern about Ahmed’s safety. The students urged university officials to bring those who allegedly attacked him to book. Congress leader Mani Shankar Aiyar and Shashi Tharoor are also expected to address the JNU students.
Najeeb Ahmed went missing on the intervening night of October 14-15 after allegedly being beaten up by a mob of 20 students, who had gone campaigning to his room for hostel elections.



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