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Yogi Adityanath’s appointment beginning of Hindu State? Jurist Fali Nariman asks PM Modi

Eminent constitutional expert Fali Nariman has said that the appointment of Yogi Adityanath as Uttar Pradesh’s chief minister was a beginning of a Hindu State in India.

hindu state fali nariman
Photo: Off The Cuff programme

Speaking to journalist Shekhar Gupta on Off The Cuff programme, Nariman asked the journalists why they had not this question to Modi adding that Adityanath’s appointment was sign that India’s constitution was under threat.

He said, “The constitution is under threat. With the massive electoral victory in Uttar Pradesh. With a priest installed at the behest of the prime minister as the chief minister, like a cherry on the victory cake. That’s the signal. And if you can’t see then you must be spokesperson of that political party or you must have your eyes examined.”


“The message is very clear. What you want to do is for all of us to decide..I don’t quite accept the policies of the prime minister. And I say it quite and I say it quite openly,” he added.


Nariman said that the constitution still had the strength but the people who supported the constitution did not.

Taking a swipe at media, he said, “Why’s no correspondent from any leading channel asked the prime minister, ‘prime minister is it true as this fellow Nariman seems to suggest that this is the beginning of the Hindu State.’ Ask him…At least you know what to be prepared for.”

Adityanath was chosen as Uttar Pradesh’s chief by PM Modi after the BJP won a historic landslide by winning 325 out of 403 seats in the state.

Adityanath has been known for being a proponent of militant Hindutva and anti-Muslim rhetoric.

Courtesy: Janta ka Reporter

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