Iran Female bodybuilder | SabrangIndia News Related to Human Rights Fri, 20 Jan 2017 07:50:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Iran Female bodybuilder | SabrangIndia 32 32 Female bodybuilder is thrown in jail in Iran for posting ‘un-Islamic’ photographs of her workouts online Fri, 20 Jan 2017 07:50:38 +0000 http://localhost/sabrangv4/2017/01/20/female-bodybuilder-thrown-jail-iran-posting-un-islamic-photographs-her-workouts-online/ A woman bodybuilder is locked up in Iran for posing selfies showing off biceps  Iranian judiciary said she had been arrested for publishing 'nude' photographs  The woman has not been named but could be Instagram queen Shirin Nobahari   Her Instagram account shirin_muscleking has 208 posts and 67,000 followers  She was one of two women taking […]

The post Female bodybuilder is thrown in jail in Iran for posting ‘un-Islamic’ photographs of her workouts online appeared first on SabrangIndia.

  • A woman bodybuilder is locked up in Iran for posing selfies showing off biceps
  •  Iranian judiciary said she had been arrested for publishing 'nude' photographs
  •  The woman has not been named but could be Instagram queen Shirin Nobahari 
  •  Her Instagram account shirin_muscleking has 208 posts and 67,000 followers
  •  She was one of two women taking part in an international contest in September 
  •  In Iran the term 'nude' refers to women showing any flesh above wrists, ankles  and a 'morality police' also insist ladies do not wearing tight-fitting clothes

    Irani Female wrestler
    Shirin Nobahari (pictured) posts numerous pictures on her Instagram account of her showing off her biceps. Her clothing, including bear arms, would be deemed 'unIslamic' in Iran

    An Iranian bodybuilder has been arrested after publishing selfie of her muscles on social media which were deemed to be 'nude'.

    The woman, who is accused of breaking the Islamic Republic's strict rules on nudity, has been locked up in prison because she was unable to post bail of two million rials (£50), according to the Mizanonline news agency.
    She has not been identified but it is thought she may be Shirin Nobahari, one of two women who took part in an international competition and were reported in September to have been warned about selfies which they posted afterwards.

    The post Female bodybuilder is thrown in jail in Iran for posting ‘un-Islamic’ photographs of her workouts online appeared first on SabrangIndia.
